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In A Land Not That Far Away,

People with magical powers have gathered to keep society safe. With little settlements spread around the world, humans have joined together in order to protect their race.

However, the threat of danger always lurks about. Terrible creatures threaten humanity with undeniable power. If one does not obey a creatures demands, it is likely to end in death.

Do not talk back.

Do not scream.

Do not argue.

Those are the three sayings passed along generations. However, in a new era, that chain breaks.

Our story takes place in a far off land where two of these creatures walk along a dazzling lake. One, yellow and long and a giddy grin walks the furthest away from the water. He wears something similar to what a teacher would wear...which is exactly what this creature is.

The other creature, however, is not a creature with disgusting looks like the other. No, a beautiful creature with undeniable beauty. And it's very evident that they are not aware. With pouty lips and a bored look, (Y/N) trails by the lake in her long dress.

"I don't understand why I can't attend classes with you," the girl muttered in dismay. With the still pouty face, she kicks over a rock in her path. However, the moment the tip of her toes touch it, the rock bursts into flames.

"Well...that's kinda why." The yellow creature chuckled lightly.

Crossing her arms over her abnormally large chest, the girl huffed. "It's not fair! You get to go out and train with those humans and here I am just moving around endlessly!" She rolled her eyes while throwing her arms up into the sky. "I'm sick of it!"

"It's just for your safety. Who knows what bounty-hunters would come after you." The male pointed out, still slithering down the trail.

"That's not the point Koro-sensei." The girl let out a sigh. "It's boring doing nothing all day. You're gone nearly the whole day and I sit home and do absolutely nothing." She folded her arms away from sight.

"Hmm..." Koro-sensei hummed, mulling over what the girl had said. "Tell you what," he broke the silence moments later. "Let me talk to my boss and let me see if he will allow you to be my...assistant."

"Really!?" The girls eyes immediately lit up like little stars in the sky. "You would do that?!"

"Of course!" Koro-sensei easily chirped back. "But it's not guaranteed."

But the girl didn't care. She got what she wanted. A possible way out into the real world. A large smile lit up over her face as she embraced the male into a hug. "Thank you!" She yelled, her tone a bit higher than normal.

Koro-sensei has slithered two tentacles under her arms, in a tempt to give her a hug back. But it just sent a shiver running down the girls back. "No problem (Y/N). I'll see what I can do."

Several Days Later...

"Do I really have to wear this?" (Y/N) muttered, lifting up the plain gray skirt. While examining the rest of her outfit, she couldn't help but note how bland it was.

"It's what my boss and I settled on," Koro-sensei hummed. "You wouldn't want to gain too much attention from the village people."

Although she knew he was making sense, she couldn't help but recoil back from the fabrics. (Y/N)'s assistant outfit was more or less of a business suit. A short, gray skirt with a white dress shirt and a black cardigan. She also wore black heels to accompany the outfit but still didn't do much to make it less ordinary.

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