Kumitate Jikan!

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In dark times, people usually channel their sorrows on those weaker than themselves, or so they think.

It was quite hard to tell why people would be mad at you for no reason, not even uttering a response to why they where like that.

But for (Y/N), it was quite different.

From what happened that last Saturday, she had every right to be mad at Karma, even though they haven't spoken to each other for a couple days. It seemed quite odd to the class, when they first met, (Y/N) and Karma seemed to be like twins.

(Y/N) being the friendlier twin, of course.

So seeing these two not talk with each other, was frighting. Like the moon was blown off the atmosphere.

Or at least 70% of it.

The world around this classroom didn't seem to matter, all you already knew, was blown away in the breeze.

It was slowly getting hot, and (Y/N) didn't like it one bit. She still wore her long sleeved uniform instead of her short sleeves.

"Ugh...." She mumbled under her breath as she scaled up the mountain around 7:45 in the morning.

Her new house mate, had stated to her early in the morning that he was going overseas to check something out.

But she didn't say anything. Only nodded and left the house.

After changing her shoes and taking off her light jacket, (Y/N) made her way towards the empty classroom. Sliding the door, a frown crossed her face.
Of course, there was one person there, extra early and ready being a demon.

There stood Karma, on the black board and appeared to be rubbing something on the blackboard. (Y/N) frowned.

Of course it was silly of her to think she'll have time for herself.

Karma didn't even look at her, but fully knowing she was there. (Y/N) walked past the devil, eyeing him.

Just what was he doing exactly that made him come this early? He is usually the last one to arrive, so why the change of heart?

Why didn't she like that smile he had on his face?

Her questions where soon answered as she saw him open a bag of dust that looked oddly familiar. Anti Koro-sensei dust? (Y/N)'s frown sunk deeper.

"I'm pretty sure he'll be teaching today on the blackboard, I can't wait to see his face when his tentacles explode." Karma chuckled evily as he blended the dust into the blackboard. His demon tail was already showing and nothing even happened yet.

"Already up to no good, Akabane-kun...." (Y/N) mummered under her breath. (Y/N) slipped into her desk and set her school bag onto the hooks on the side of her desk.

But, Karma suddenly stopped cold. But she didn't pay no mind to him, she only got out her materials for first period.

"Aka...bane...kun?" Karma whispered under his breath.

Why was she calling him that all of a sudden? She's been calling Karma by his first name for weeks, why the sudden change?

Then, it hit him.

"I thought I could trust you!" (Y/N) yelled at Karma. His eyes widen at her.

"No, no! That's not it (Y/N)! You know that!"

"Let me see your phone!" She shouted at him. He sent her a questioning look. (Y/N) held out her hand. "If that's not it, then let me see it."

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