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And that's what he did. This time, I fought the urge to punch him on the arm and decided to just enjoy the moment. Of all the kisses I had had, this was by far the best one yet. I felt his hand on the back of my neck and I slipped my arm around him.
When he pulled away, I smiled, but I still didn't know what to think. My feelings were all over the place and my heart beat really fast. My stomach felt a little weird, but there was no way for me to admit that.
"What happened to not kissing me again?" I joked and looked at him. Even though it was dark, the lights around the garden were bright enough for me to see that he was blushing.
"Are you blushing?" I said, and he averted his face. "Oh my god. I just made the invincible Luke Hemmings blush!" I grinned, now feeling a little cocky myself. 
"Wow, proud of yourself much? And from the way I just heard your heart beating, you're either going to have a heart attack, or you felt something too."
"I'm not going to have a heart attack. Also, just shut up." I pulled the hem of his shirt - as far as I could reach up, and kissed him again.
He might want all the power, but he wasn't going to have it. 
After kissing him one more time, I let go and sat down again. 
"Let's make it clear: you don't tell anyone that we kissed and I won't tell anyone either. This does not mean that I forgive you for all the years that you made me feel miserable and if you still feel the need to be a jerk to me, go ahead, but I will be a bitch to you too, then. Also, from now on I will be at the family dinners reguarly and we will not be affectionate in front of our families or anyone else. Understood?"
"Understood." he said.
"Now, it's time to go, so bye." I grinned and walked out the door.
It was the last day of school before holidays started, and it started off with bumping into Luke when walking down the hall. We had been seeing each other reguarly at family dinners and that usually ended in kissing when no one was around. I'd kept our pact of secrecy and still hadn't told Mila or Alyssa, even though there were times where I felt the need to just blurt it out. I really hoped that he hadn't told anyone either, but as far as I knew, he hadn't.
We sat on opposite sides of the classroom as usual, but at lunch he came walking towards our table.
"Hey," he said, "Are you coming to our house tonight?"
We both awkwardly smiled, clearly not knowing how to act towards each other. He then walked back to his friends and he looked back over his shoulder, giving me a goofy smile. Michael was pulling a weird face, that indidicated that he knew. I gave my neighbour the middle finger and that made him grin.
When I looked at my friends again, Mila was dying of laughter and Alyssa looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Jess, what was that? The two of you were just interacting slightly decently... no, like idiots, but in a different way. No fighting or ignoring. What the hell is going on?" She was in full interrogation mode and I sighed.
"Nothing... okay, would you stop looking at me like that! I'll tell you, but only if you don't scream." I warned her, because Alyssa had the tendency to scream if she was surprised about something.
I leaned forward and whispered in their ear what happened. 
"What?" Alyssa shouted, and I shut her up. "Shut up, you two are the only ones who know and I'd like to keep it that way."
"Sure," Mila pinky-promised me, "But this is major! You're not dating, are you? Do you like him? Is he a good kisser? Ew, why do I even ask, I hate him. But tell me everything."

"It's weird," I admitted, "It's still weird to me. No, we're not dating. I don't know if I like him, but it's definitely not hate anymore. Yes, he's a good kisser." 
I decided not to tell her that the way he grabbed my neck when he kissed me did things to me. I didn't even dare to admit that to myself because the wall I had built up was still there.
Alyssa looked at Luke and said, "I must admit, I'm a little jealous. He's pretty hot. If I were you I'd-"
"Lyssa, shut up!" I  yelled but grinned anywway.
"There's not much going on, I swear. It's not like we're best friends now, let alone be dating," Admittedly, we didn't really do much other than talking and kissing. It was kinda like we were making up for the past eleven years. We didn't know much about each other and sometimes it felt just too awkward to talk, so that usually resulted in kissing.
"But at least things aren't as horrible as they were before. We don't want to scratch each others eyes out anymore, so that's good, I guess. Can we please stop talking about this now?"
Mila saved the day and changed the subject by asking me if I wanted to go ice skating with her after school, and I nodded.
"Sure, but Luke's probably going to be there too. Won't the two of you get into a fight? Because if you do, I might be forced to push one of you onto the ice."
"Nah," she said, "Practise is over for a week and on behalf of the two of you I won't even pay attention to him. He likes attention too much anyways."

How I hate him - ft. Luke Hemmings and 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now