Boy, Spider

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I open the window and shoot a web in a random direction. I pull my mask on and look back at DeadPool, sleeping in the bed - if you're wondering, I kissed him and pinched on of the nerves in his back, causing him to pass out - I put him in a few minutes ago.

I push off of the window sill and a pang of hunger pinches my stomach. I land on a building nearby and crawl up to the roof. I see the restaurants, and go to the first one I see: a McDonald's.

I go inside, and wait behind this beefy dude in a trench coat.

He orders, and says, "I'll pay for the person behind me, too." He turns around and leans close to me. "Peter, meet me later okay? I'll be outside your house." He turns to walk away, but then comes back. "You can bring your dads if you want."

He pays, gets his food, and walks out. I order and grab my food. I shoot a web in the direction of my house. My dad's - 88% his - house.

My dad and Pa started dating a few weeks after Dad first met me. Pa calls it the 'Civil War Fiasco'. After like a month of them dating, Aunt May got sick, and she - she passed a few days ago. Dad and Pa have been looking after me, so they are my legal guardians now. (I actually lied to Deadp - Wade - I'm only 17.)

I land on Avenger's tower, and get a text on my phone.

Unknown number: Hey Peter! I can see you on Av. tower

I text back: who is this? How do you know my name???

No reply. I put my phone in my pocket and zip it up. I open my window, and step inside my room. "Oh my god, Natasha, you scared the crap out of me."

She stands there, arms folded and a scowl on her face. Her leather suit has never looked more menacing. I close the window and take off my mask.

"Where the hell have you been? Steve and Tony- I - we've all been ... Worried." It pains her to speak that way, breaking her barriers to talk to me. She wipes her eye, and looks away from me. "They want to see you in the living room. Wanda and Vision are here." She adds that, because those two are the ones closest to my age, with Wanda at nineteen and Vision at one month and two weeks.

I shove my food under my pillow, and change into a shirt and shorts. I walk out of my room and go into the living room, seeing everyone on the couch, with Pa standing next to Natasha as I walk towards them. "I like your shirt, Vis."

He smiles, "thank you." He kisses Wanda's cheek. She picked it out.

"Peter," Pa says. "Where were you?"

"With a friend." I say, trying to be vague.

"Thats super reassuring." Dad says.

"Tony!" Pa yells. "Peter, you're just a kid! Where the hell were you?!"

I roll my eyes. "I was with Wa - " the doorbell chimes.

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