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I tried to look around, but it was dark. My eyelids wouldn't open. I reached around with my hands, only to be held back by tubes and wires.

"Get this stuff off," I tried to yell, but it came out as a hoarse whisper.

"Peter?" A voice, Wade's voice, made his presence clear. "Put your arms down," I heard a small giggle. "Can you open your eyes?"

"I don't know." Suddenly, i felt lips pressed against mine. I heard my heart monitor's beeps speed up. My eyes jolted open, only to close again. Passion flew through me, and my hand reached to touch Wade's face.

He pulled away, his cheeks pink. He looked over to his left. "Your dads are walking over here! They look mad!" He raced to the door, "bye Pete!" And ran to the right, to an unseen exit.

I smiled. He was adorable.

Pa opened to door for Dad, and walked in behind him. Dad sat down in a chair next to my bed, and Pa stood up against the wall. Pa's eyes were downcast, and tear fell.

"Pa," I started. "Please don't cry." I looked to Dad, for help, and he stood. He wrapped his arms around Pa's torso. He whispered something I couldn't hear and Pa nodded.

"Peter," Pa said, his voice low and hoarse, "why didn't you wake up?" His voice softened, and tears poured down his cheeks. He hugged Dad, and yelled, "I've lost too many people!" He wiped his eyes with his hand. "I can't lose anyone else. Especially you, Peter."

Dad pecked Pa's cheek, and turned to face me. Terror and pain struck me, originating from his eyes. "Dad," I had no idea what to say. "I.. I'm..." tears fell from my eyes. "I'm so sorry," I covered my face with my hands. "I should've told you about Wade. I should've said something to you about my feelings. I'm so sorry! I was scared, I had no idea what to do, what to feel,"

"Peter," Pa said. "I forgive you. We should have known something was wrong."

"We should've asked." Dad said, his voice soft. "I forgive you, kid."

I smiled and wiped away my tears. "Can you go get Wade Pa?" He rolled his eyes and nodded. "Thank you!" I called after him as he left.

"Dad," I said. "I just want you to know, I'm okay. Wade makes me happy," I pushed away my sad thoughts. "He makes me feel alive."

"I understand. I was an alcoholic before I met your Pa, and he helped me through it. I let go of things that I should have buried with my father." His eyes looked sad for a moment, but brightened as Pa came back in, Wade in tow.

Wade sat in the chair by my bed, and took my hand. "I'm not going to leave," determination rose in his eyes. "Not even if I have to pee really bad."

He smiled, a crooked smile. His blue eyes and dark blond hair brightened, and I saw him in a new light.

My eyes blinked slowly as pain washed over me. I winced and noticed the bandages. On my knee, ankle, stomach, fingers, shoulder... I screamed. I felt pain, a thousand knives, poking holes in my skin.

I kicked my legs, pulled the blankets off of me, i tried to get out of my bed. "Whoa, Pete, what are you doing?" Wade yelled, catching me.

I shot a web at the ceiling and hopped up, laying on my back. Pa tried to grab me and pull me back down. I rolled, and crawled to a corner. Dad fainted, falling limp to the ground. He didn't know about my powers. "STOP!" I yelled. Pa put his arms down, as did Wade, and they stared at me.

The pain pulsed through my body. I felt limp, and tried to continue. The pain felt like pressure, crushing me. I fell to the ground, and Wade screamed. My eyes closed, and the cool floor helped my flaming injuries.

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