A Walk With You

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"Wade, can we do something today? Just us?" I ask, holding his hand.

We're sitting on the couch, eating pancakes. He turns to me, a pancake flopping out of his mouth and sticking to his chin. "Yeah, sure. What do you want to do?"

"Can we take a walk? By the beach?"

"Sure! That sounds fun and romantic," he says, nudging my leg with his knee. "What are we going to do at the beach?"

"Tan, swim, sit, walk. Whatever," I say, blushing and keeping my free hand in my pocket.

"Any particular reason why?" He says, turning back to the TV.

"Not really. I feel like we just need free time together."

"Okay," he grins. "How's tomorrow?"

"I was thinking today, actually."

"Oh," he says feeling disappointed.

"But tomorrow is okay," I say. "What do you have today?" I press.

"I - I have a job."

"Oh," I shift away from him a bit and face forward. "Why didn't you say something last night?"

"It was your birthday," he says sadly. "I didn't want to ruin my baby's birthday."

"Or you just wanted a booty call," I mumble, crossing my arms.

"That —!" He stops himself. "That wasn't the only reason." He places his plate on the coffee table. "So, last night, I was actually planning on pr —"

"Shh!" I yell, and grab his hand. "Let's go to the beach."

I put on an old motorcycle helmet, open a window, and grab Wade by the waist. I release a web a swing quickly towards the coast.


We land with a THUMP on the sand.

I pull off the motorcycle helmet and pull Wade to the edge of the water. He stands, confused, in front of me.

"Wade," i say as rain lightly hits the sand of the beach. "I love you," a wave crashes around us. We both laugh, and step out of the water. "I love you when we're cold and wet in the rain."

People begin to leave the beach and the rain plods harder. "Petey!" He laughs.

"Wade," i say pulling him closer. "I love you with everything! I need you and I don't care what you do or who you talk to in your mind. You're never getting rid of me!" I reach into my pocket and back up a few steps. I kneel onto my knee. Wade claps his hand over his mouth. "I don't ever want to get rid of you," I say, feeling sad just thinking about it. "So, Wade Winston Wilson, will you marry me?"

I open the small black box to reveal the silver band encrusted with diamonds, handmade by me.

Wade stands silent, with his hands covering his mouth and his blonde hair covering his eyes. He falls to his knees, and inches closer. He takes the ring and puts it on his right ring finger, then buries his face into my neck. He cries into my shirt and I wrap my arms around him.

"I love you so much Petey," he whispers into my ear. "I'll marry you if it kills me." I fall back onto my butt, and Wade falls with me. He stands and faces the ocean, and he whoops at the top of his lungs. "I'm getting married!"

I stand and jump onto his back. "We're getting married!" I scream, whooping and calling with my boyfr — fiancé.

My fiancé.

My Wade.

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