The New Year Special

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(Sorry about my horribly long hiatus and strange update patterns. I can promise that i will write more this year, but i might re-write a few things. This story has really just been written chapter by chapter and that's why it's so inconsistent. Happy New Year. Also this chapter adds almost nothing to the main story, so enjoy.)

I have the best surprise for Peter. I got him blue and red roses, like the ones from chapter three. I also got him chocolates and two movie tickets to Deadpool 2. It's a shame it isn't coming out until basically next year. But something I know he will like is a night in my apartment, so we can watch Star Wars and eat candy.

I should've gotten him tickets to the newest Star Wars movie! Ugh, that would have been great because he hasn't seen it yet! Maybe I can get a refund?

"Wade," Peter says sweetly as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Are you okay?"

I turn to face him, and wrap him in a hug. "Of course! I'm trying to make your start to the year amazing." I kiss his forehead. "But I think I'm messing it up."

"Anything you do will be perfect." He smiles. "I have something planned too. We're about to leave now, so I was just wondering if it would in—"
"Interfere with my plans? No it won't." I say. "Let's go."

He smiles and takes my hand, pulling me out of the room and into a hallway. We stop outside his room and he says "Stay here for just a second." He comes back out a minute later with his backpack. "Okay, let's go now."

"What have you got in there?" I ask pointing at his bag.

His eyes get wide and he says "Nothing! Absolutely nothing, Wade."

I smile and take his hand. "I guess I'll have to take your word for it."

He sighs a quiet sigh of relief. I chuckle to myself. Peter is such a cutie. "Oh, I almost forgot!" He lets go of my hand and makes a blindfold out of his webs. He wraps it around my head to cover my eyes. "Now hold on to me, and don't let go."

"Any excuse is fine with me." I say and hug him around the width of his chest. He wraps his left arm around me, and opens a window with his right. I hear his web shooter release and we swing out into the cold Manhattan air.


When I feel solid ground beneath my feet, I loosen my grip on his chest. "Wait before you take the blindfold off." I hear more of his web shooter releases, and finally he speaks again. "Okay, take it off now."

I lift the blindfold from my eyes, and look up to see a large web between two trees. "Wow, Peter. This is amazing."

"But wait, it gets better." He puts his arm around my waist, and shoots a web straight up. He pulls us us to lay on the web. He lets me go to lay on the web beside me, and opens his backpack. He takes out a few containers, filled with pancakes, bacon, and tacos. He takes out two plates and a bottle of syrup. "Here, I give you the best meals we've had together."

"Oh, Peter. Thank you so much. This has got to be one of the best New Years ever." Then I remember my presents for him, which I guess the author forgot about until now. I take them out pf my pocket. "I got you these, for New Years."

He takes the roses, chocolates, and tickets. He smiles. "They're great. Thank you."

After we finish eating, Petey tells me there's one more surprise. He jumps up to the top of the trees, and after a few minutes he jumps outward, does a flip, and shoots a web to the top of the trees. He then puts the bottoms of his feet together around the web and slowly descends towards me. He's wearing his Spider-Man costume.

"Oh my god, I've always wanted to do this Peter!" He stops so our heads are level. I peel his mask off, exposing his chin, neck, and lips. I hear the chanting of three! Two! It's coming from Times Square. "Happy New Year Peter."


And I kiss him like there's no tomorrow.

(Sorry this took so long!! I've missed Wattpad and writing, it's just it would always get me stressed so i took a break. It was quite long, so I'm sorry for that, but I'm back! I'll try to post more this year. But Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays.)

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