You're So Familiar

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The door closes behind my target. It's made of steel, and my bullets can't pierce it. I need to get inside, quietly, unnoticed and unseen, or get them out here.

There are two males and one female, not including my target, making "pancakes". I keep a mental note of this as I hear a sound.

Almost a yell, but not - a cry? No. Someone laughing. I recognize that laugh. But to whom does it belong?

I creep closer to the door, and my target opened it before i could knock. "Are you going to kill us?" He asks. I say nothing.

"Peter, who's out there?"

The target turns his head to face the male who spoke. "It's just Bucky." Peter turns back to me. I raise my gun again. "Will you take Samantha somewhere safe and then come back out here, Matt? Wade, I need you too."

Wade — I assume — rushes out quickly, with a pan in his left hand and a katana in his right. "Babe, you said you needed me?"

Peter smiles. Then he turns back to me and jumps out of the way as I start firing at him. He swings about the room, dodging my attacks. "Ugh!" I yell out. Then I turn back to the one with the katana. I glare at him and start firing.

"Wade, no killing!" Peter yells, swinging back around towards me. He kicks the side of my head and I fall, while clenching the gun's trigger. I hit Wade's thigh with two bullets as I go down.

He falls to his knees and yells out in pain. He drops the pan and katana. "Mother - ugh! Petey I don't think your family likes me."

"Maybe learn to dodge the bullets then." Peter says, swinging to a stop on Wade's right. He then helps Wade up.

"But why do that when I'm practically bulletproof?" He points to his leg.

I stand up and throw down my gun.

"Blood gets everywhere," Peter retorts. "At least it does in your version of bulletproof."

While they bicker, I ready for a fist fight.

I decide to punch Wade first; he won't see it coming. I'll punch with my metal arm — the left arm — to launch him to my right, and away from Peter.

I do so, and Wade flies into the wall, creating a gaping hole.

I then turn to Peter, who already has a fist in the air to meet my jaw. He connects with his target sending my head into a jarring snap to the right. I stumble backwards, but balance myself out and stabilize quickly.

I spit blood out and glare at the face I seem to know dearly. I raise a fist to meet his challenge, but hesitate. Why hesitate now?

"Who . . . are you?" I ask him. "Do we know each oth—"

Someone drop kicks me from behind. I fall forward, the wind knocked out of me, and gasp for air. "Stay down, sir." The voice says.

I silently agree with him and hold my aching chest.


"Matt there was no need for such force." Wade says, seeming very unlike himself.

I stare at him, and say, "are the boxes back?"

"Boxes?" Matt asks, feeling around.

"They're not physical th— ugh — they are Wade's other personalities."

"Right." Matt says, crossing his arms. "Right, I knew that."

"Of course you did," I say, crossing my own arms and smiling smugly.

"Well, uh, I don't know about the boxes. But someone is definitely back." He points to the doorway -- the one leading to the hallway -- and hits me with the back of his hand on my collar bone.

I look at the doorway. My heart and stomach drop and I gasp quietly. "Pop?"

I know, two parts in two days? I think this is the first time when I haven't had writer's block.

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