He Can't Help It

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A dark figure rises on the horizon. I can see it, but the sleep still consumes me, making everything in the morning light look fuzzy and unclear.

I can feel Wade's chest moving up and down slowly as he breathes in and out. It soothes me back to sleep, and I hug him just a little tighter. I love him so much, and i don't ever want to let him go.

I touch his face softly and he wakes up, his blue eyes piercing my brown ones. He smiles and before he speaks i kiss him. I feel his arms wrap around me and our lips part. Then his are on my neck and all i can do is hold him close.

He gives me three hickeys before my phone starts ringing. "Ugh," I groan, not wanting to talk to anyone at Avengers Tower. "Wade stop for a second." I don't recognize the number so i put my phone back in my pocket. I turn to look at Wade, and his blue eyes are so... beautiful.

"Okay. It's my turn now." He smiles and my heart beats a little faster. I kiss his neck and he pulls me so close that it feels like we might never pull away again. It feels so warm and comfortable and i don't ever want it to stop.

Its almost like this feeling is m— i lift my head just as we start falling to the ground. My spider-sense makes the hair on my neck stand on end.

Something just cut my web down! I shoot a web upwards instinctively, and lose Wade's warmth as he falls to the ground. "Wade!" I yell and shoot a web down to him, catching him in the nick of time. I lower us both down — safely — and he nervously looks me over, making sure I'm not injured.

I do the same with him but he rolls his eyes and says "I have a healing factor, remember?"

I take two deep breaths and smile. "Right. Did you see what cut us down?"

He shakes his head. "I didn't. You're sure you're not hurt?"

"No, I'm fi — Duck!" I push him down to the ground and put my hands over my head as something flies over us. What ever it is lands and explodes about twenty feet from us. "My spider sense is going crazy."

Wade's eyes widen. "Yeah, my scary-shadowy-figure-on-the-horizon sense is tingling too." He points behind me, and I turn to look. Uncle Bucky is pointing a bazooka right at my boyfriend and myself.

He pulls the trigger, and right before I can start screaming, Wade takes my hand and — BAMPF! — suddenly we are in my bedroom. "Wade, what the hell was that?"

Wade shows me his wrist. On it is a silver watch band with a purple clock face. Except there are no hands or numbers. "It's a teleporter. But I like to call it the Bampf."

"You mean to tell me that you had it the whole time?!" I yell, and he nods. "That's really cool." We both smile and i interlock our hands together. "Wait, the team doesnt know that Bucky tried to kill us. Teleport us to them and act scared!"

We sit like we're backing away from something, then — BAMPF! — Thor and Clint are standing over us. I scream, playing into the act. The team jumps and Wade is hugging me so tight I can't breathe.

"Peter? How did you get here? Why did you scream?" Dad asks, standing next to Pa.

"Uncle Bucky - had - had a bazooka and was trying to hit- to hit us," I stutter, feeling the fear of the situation grow inside my chest. "Dad, Pa, I'm really scared."

I look down at Wade, his head on my chest, and my heart pounds louder. He looks up at me, and his blue eyes are contorted with sadness and... loss, maybe? I wrap my arms around him, and he turns his head to Pa — whom I just realized almost died a few days ago but is fine now (Wade says: "Dumb author forgot to communicate that.") — and says "Steve, Tony, you need to be careful out there. I promise I'll take care of him."

"Wait, who are you talking about?" Pa asks, putting a hand forward as if he needs to protect himself from what Wade will say next.

Then something in my brain clicks as Wade looks up at me again. "Me." I look at my dads one more time and then look down at Wade.

"Peter? What's going to ha —" Dad starts to yell, but he is cut off by the Bampf.

"Oh, I feel so bad. Wade, why did we have to leave them?"

"Because if I can't be with you for the rest of my life, I don't want to live it." His seriousness is like running into a brick wall. He puts his hand on the side of my face. "I love you too much, and more than pancakes."

I laugh as a tear rolls down my cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb and I tilt my head upwards to kiss him.

I feel his passion and I kiss him deeper, not wanting to let go. I pull away for a quick breath, and say "I love you too, Wade."

He kisses me softly before pulling away again. He grins and says "there's this thing called show, don't tell." I slap his arm and we both laugh.

We pull away and sit side by side. I guess we were waiting for them to find us, or maybe someone to attack.

But i laid my head on his shoulder. "Wade," I say uneasily.


"Have you always been able to teleport?"

"It's called Bampf-ing. I think." He dodges the question, and rubs my arm gently.

"When did it start?" I ask again.

"Well, you see, I can't really reme —"

A loud boom cuts him off. It came from above, and just as I look up to see the brick debris falling, the environment around us dematerializes with a loud BAMPF!

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