The Time Jump That Means Happily Ever After

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** Wade **

Petey and I have been married for awhile now. We have two sons, Winston and Parker.

Winston, named by Peter, is almost ten, and Parker, named by me, is eight. Winston is genetically Peter's son, and Parker is genetically mine.

We had a surrogate pregnancy, so we could have children who are biologically ours.

Winston has brown hair and eyes, and Parker has blond hair and blue eyes. They're both hilarious and so grown up.

"Hey dad!" Peter calls. "Parker wants you!"

I run into Parker's room. "Hey," i say quietly. Then i frantically ask, "is everything okay? Are you tired? Want some cookies and milk?"

"Yes!" Parker says.

"No!" Peter says. "Parker wanted you to read to him."

Peter looked disappointed, but let me take his place next to Parker's bed. "Is Winston okay?"

"Yeah," peter said sadly. "He doesn't want to be read to anymore."

"I'm sorry," I glanced at Parker, already drifting off ro sleep, and turned back to peter. "Well, you go to bed, and I'll meet you there in a few minutes." I kissed him quickly, but deeply.

He smiled and left the room.

I read to Parker, and he hugged me. "I love you, Daddy."

"I love you too, kiddo," I said. I hugged him as well, and he fell asleep quickly with a small happy smile on his face.

I walked into Peter's and mine room. "Hey," Peter said. "How was it?"

"Tiring," I said. Peter was already in bed, beneath the covers, and shirtless. I was feeling kind of excited, and quickly jumped in bed with him.

I peeled of my own shirt and cuddled with my Petey.  We turned off the lights, and moonbeams shone through the window.

"Wade," Petey said.

"Yeah?" I said, pressing my forehead against his.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" He asked.

I chuckled a little bit. "Can I love you, forever?"

He looked up at me, with his puppy brown eyes and glorious smile. "Yes," he said, and he kissed me deeply.

(That was easy.)

[yeah. Now we get the benefits for the rest of our lives.]

(I agree. But how do we live happily ever after if he ages and we don't?)

[i'm sure the author didnt forget about the time where Wade healed Peter with his healing factor.]

(What does that have to do with anything?)

[well the healing factor is now permanently shared between Wade and Peter, is half as strong, and allows them to age.]

(So they'll be able to live a really long time together and they die of old age?)

[yes, you fucking idiot.]

(Jesus way to rip me a new one.)

[screw you.]

(So what about their kids?)

[what about them?]

(Will they have Peter and Wade's powers?)

[well of course they would, they have their genes, which means they also have the specific mutations that give them powers.]

(So Winston will be like a self-healing Spider-Man Jr. and Parker will be Deadpool 2)

[yes. You know, we're both really chatty today. Why are we explaining all of this shit?]

(I think it's because the author wants to keep writing for nostalgia's sake and also think the readers are idiots or something.)

"You two are expositional machines," I tell them.

"Are they trying to wrap up the story?" Petey asks.

"Obviously," i say. "But i also think somehow it helps. Even if they are being annoying."

Petey and I kissed again, and fell asleep, tangled in each other's arms.


Yes it was short, and yes it is over. So go home and forget all the little mistakes i made and plot details I forgot.

Honestly i will miss working on this book. As a writer its really easy to pull from already existing characters and just put them into a story. Tell me below if you want an epilogue, because this chapter was written in like ten minutes.

Sorry for all of the hiatuses and mistakes and contradictions. This plot was kind of nonexistent and was really just character driven. I do hope you check out my other stories, (the quality doesnt really compare well to this one but whatever) and my other account, graciesgalaxy where my friends and I mess around.

See ya around.

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