Not... Healing... Because

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(I'm changing the pov thing btw and guess what it's my birthday - Feb 24)

Peter turns and looks at me funny, and he says something. I can't hear him.

"Babe, you're -- " Wait. I can't hear myself. I close my eyes as blood covers them. Petey grabs my hand, and I squeeze tight.

A ringing in my ears starts. It gets louder and louder until it is deafening. Then it stops, and Peter's hand isn't in mine anymore. My head isn't on his lap anymore. I open my eyes and the blood is gone. The pain from my wound is missing, though I shouldn't complain about that. I stand up and immediately feel light headed. I stumble backwards and someone grabs and hugs me from behind. I turn to see Peter.

"Peter! Why are we here? What's going on?" He smiles and says nothing to answer my questions.

I wrap my arms tightly around him and look up to see where we are. There is absolutely nothing. Well that's not completely true. I think we're in a white hall or room. But there are no windows or furniture or even a door.

"Wade," Peter finally says. But he is now serious and hugging my so tightly that he might break my ribs. "Please," and this is when it happens. The worst thing i could ever do. Peter starts crying. "Come back to me."

"Peter I'm here. Please don't cry." I say, my own voice wavering.

"If you die Wade," His voice breaks at these words. "I'll never forgive you!" He yells so loud that his voice echoes. I start to pull him closer but by one way or another, he suddenly appears behind me. I swivel around to see him, and he is still yelling. "You can't die! You can't!"

I sit on the ground and hold my head in my hands. This can't be real. Peter would never yell at me like this. Unless. Then it hits me. I gasp and I lift my head and I stare at Peter. "I won't die." I say it like a whispered secret. He instantly stops crying and walks towards me, and he sits crosslegged in front of me.

I take his hands in mine. "You won't?" He asks.

"No. Want to know why?"

"Why, Wade?"

"Because I love you."

He blushes instantly, squeezes my hand, but doesn't dare to take his eyes off me. "You... you love me?" He struggles to say the one sentence.

I nod. Then smile. "Can I love you?"

He takes a couple breaths, looks down at his feet, and then he looks back at me. He smiles, a wide, goofy, happy smile. Just before he says any --

He disappears. He's gone and the warmth of his hand and the brightness of the room vanish. "Peter? Whe --"

I am cut off by the opening of my own eyes. It is bright and warm. I jolt upright. I'm in the medical bay in Stark Tower. I look to my right and see Peter. He is in a bed too, with a strange helmet on his head. Our hands reach across the gap between us. That's where the warmth is coming from.

I look at his face. He is crying. "No you can't cry Petey. I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

He wipes his face with his free hand. "I know you won't." He takes a tiny breath. "Ask me again."

Ask... again? Ask what? Wait. "Can I love you?"

He smiles the same goofy smile as before. He takes a breath and says.

Can I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now