Can We Just

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"Ask me again." I say, trying to push the emotions I have to my eyes.

He pauses as he searches his mind for the question. "Can I love you?"

I put on the same smile that makes his face light up. I take a breath and say, "Yes, you can."

He smiles too, jumps out of his bed and kisses me. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him back.

"I love you Petey." He says, pulling away to look at me. "More than pancakes."

I laugh at look up into his eyes. "I love you too."

A man clears his throat and Wade and I whip our heads around to look. It's Matt. "As much as I'd hate to break up your love fest, but this girl will not stop climbing on me."

I smile as Samantha puts her hand on Matt's head from behind, and climbs up onto his shoulders. Sitting like this, she then wraps her arms around his forehead in a hug. She is careful to keep her arms behind the horns on his helmet.

"It's called being adorable." Wade says. He winks at Samantha and squeezes my hand. "I'm a master at it." He lets go of my hand and points at himself with his thumb.

Samantha laughs as Matt grabs her and puts her on the ground. "Hey! Its not illegal to be adorable!" She says, crossing her arms and staring up at him.

"Do you see the horns?" Matt asks sarcastically, pointing to his head with his first finger. "These are the law." He smirks and he and Samantha laugh.

"Are you sure you're annoyed?" I ask Matt. Wade and I glance at each other and burst out laughing as Matt rolls his eyes and pouts, crossing his own arms.

"He is just not having it." Wade says. He he face palms himself. "Duh! We need to eat pancakes!"

He turns to me with a goofy smile, holding both hands laced together under his chin. Feeling like a mom, I say, "Okay Wade, go make your pancakes," I look at him, then Samantha. I turn back to Wade but only his back is visible. "But add chocolate chips to the batter!" I yell after him as he runs off.

"Okay Petey!" He yells back. After only a few seconds, I feel a whoosh of air. "I forgot something." Wade says softly. He kisses my gently on the lips, and puts his hand on the side of my face. I blush but return the kiss anyway. Then he leaves for real.

I look at Matt who stares at me with a smile across his face. I look at him, dumbfounded. "Ah," He says. "To be a kid again." He picks up Samantha and follows Wade.

"Wait, but you're . . . in . . ." I trail off as I realize he's gone already. Suddenly I feel the hairs on my neck stand up straight, and a shiver trail down my spine. I crouch down and a bullet hits the floor in front of me, leaving a jagged hole in its wake. "Hello?" I stand again, walking forward slowly. I shoot a web to the ceiling and swing up to rest my feet there. Another bullet whizzes by and hits the floor with a force that breaks it. "Bucky." I whisper to myself.

I crawl to the doorway and cross the ceiling's threshold. As I leave I hear his boots lightly tapping against the floor. We need to leave.

I shut the door and think to myself, can we just have one normal moment? Without crazy brainwashed uncles who are out for blood?

I laugh at the thought. No, that'll never happen.

Sorry that this is so short!! I'm just glad I got this out sooner rather than later. Sorry if there any spelling errors or anything, I'm probably going to edit this whole thing after it's over. Tell me in the comments if you're liking the story so far! Thank you for 1K reads!!

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