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Funny thing is, you don't know who is being reunited here, do you?


It's been weeks. It's taken so long, but finally, finally, He's coming home to me.

I ran down the sidewalks, a grin across my face, tears running down it.

Pure exhilaration and joy ran through my blood. I laughed, and I cried, but I never stopped running.

I was running towards the airport.

"Hey!" A man yelled. He was running too, but on top of roofs. "Hey, Peter!"

I looked up, still running. "What?" I dodged a lady and her dog. "Sorry."

I ran into an alley, and the man jumped down from the roof. The red horns and the unblinking eyes, and the armor shined in setting sunlight.

"Peter. Are you okay?" He said.

"Daredevil," I said, with the tone of someone talking about an inside joke. "Aren't you supposed to be punching people to death?"

He grinned, with the same tone as me. "Not to death," He circled around me, with an accusing finger pointed at me. "to a pulp. We're PG-13 here."

"You sound like Wade," I winced at his name. Then the joy snapped back into me. I couldn't stop a smile from creeping up on me. "Wade."

I started to run again. "Hey! Get back here!" Matt yelled.

"Can't, Devil!" I yelled back. "I'm going to go meet someone!"

I sprinted down the street again, and checked my phone briefly.

He lands in twenty minutes.

Excitement flew through me again. I ran faster, so fast that I couldn't feel my legs. If I ran faster, I could be there when he gets off the plane. I could be there even before he gets to the airport.

Eighteen and a half minutes later, I stumbled into the airport. I looked at the flight list and i saw it. The one at the top. Somehow, I knew it was his, and it said "arrived".

Tears fell from my face again, and I ran to the gate. People filed out of the tunnel, groups of blond haired women with curls and make up caked on walked out. Behind them, families of mothers and fathers with babies and toddlers shuffled out, and behind them, a space. A gap in the line.

As soon as he disappeared, he appeared at the end of the tunnel.

My knight in shining armor. The man who takes everything. The man who is everything. My everything.


When I saw him, he looked tired. His clothes were dirty, his hair was curly, like it hadn't been washed recently. Still, he looked like he smelled amazing.

His eyes were downcast. Was he not expecting me? Is he not looking for me? Look up. Look up!

Look at me!

Like magic -- or more likely, he's reading what you are -- he looked up at me. I saw the tears forming in his eyes. They fell so quickly and so much.

He ran to me. The first thing he said. "I'm so so sorry."

I shook my head, and i held him so tightly. "I don't care," I said. "I just want you. I want you here with me. I don't want you to leave me. I just --"

"I just want you," he finished my sentence.

He blue eyes popped against his red cheeks, as he looked into my eyes.

"Let's go home," I told him.


As we walked home, he told me about Venom, and how he helped him find his other half, Eddie.

"Venom kept saying that Eddie is his one true match. It sucks that they share the same body, because they would be the perfect couple."

"They share the same body?"

"Yeah! It's strange, right?" He smiled. "Imagine if we shared the same body."

"Mine or yours?" I laughed. "Because I'd rather be tall like you."

We stood in an alley together, and he pushed me against the wall.

"You want to be tall?" He leaned into me. "If you're tall then I can't kiss you."

"You're right," I smiled and he leaned closer. I lifted my head up, and right before we kissed, I said, "What would life be if i couldn't kiss you?"

He smiled, and kissed me like tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

I love you.

When we finally reached our room, I couldn't be close enough to him.


Morning came all too quickly.

I woke up in his arms, with my face against his neck, and my hands wrapping around him and clutching his shoulders tightly. He was still sleeping, his arms were tightly around my waist.

Warmth and love spread across us. I didn't want to let go. I kissed his jaw, his chin, his neck, his lips. "Wade," I whispered. "Wade, wake up."

He smiled before his eyes opened. "Hey, Petey."

his blue eyes fluttered open. He lifted me up a little, so we were face to face. "What?" I chuckled a little. "You seem deliriously happy."

"I am. I have you."

he kissed me. I felt so wanted, needed even.

"I love you Wade."

"I love you, too," he said, repositioning us so we were even closer -- how it was possible, i didn't know.

But that was the thing about Wade. He made everything perfect.

Hey everyone! This is really strange huh? Two updates in two days!

I took a long hiatus again, and i've just recently had a spark of inspiration. So I'm back. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

See you soon!

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