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** Tony **

"Are you kidding me?" I said. "I've provided for him for years and he just wants to up and leave?"

"He's married, babe," steve said to me. He put his hand on my leg. "He wants his independence with his husband."

"What the hell? Am i not good enough for him, Steve?" I crumbled into myself and cried. "I'm his dad, not mine. I love him so why doesnt he —"

"Dad! Dad! Please, let me play!"

"No, Tony, I'm working." I was so upset. My dad never loved me.

He always pushed me away. Until a few years ago.

"Tony, my greatest creation . . . is you."

I was so afraid of becoming my father. I always thought he didnt love me, and I was afraid what  Peter would think that about me as well. When I found out that my father did love me, I was afraid of becoming him because I thought I never could.


"Listen, Tony," steve said. "Your dad loved you. He was hard on you because he loved you. I know you love Peter, and he loves you. He just wants to start his new life with Wade, and he needs your support."

"You're right," I said. "I'll go talk to him."

I walked to the door, and opened it.

Peter was on the other side, his fist raised like he was knocking. It dropped quickly. "Dad," he looked up at me. Tears welled in both our eyes and Peter wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner."

"It's okay," I said. "You have to go, I realize that. I just wanted — I'm just realizing that all of the time we had here as father and son is over. I didn't think it would be over so quickly. I didn't want it to— you know that. But—"

"But now I'm with Wade," He said. "And it has to be over," He buried his face in my shoulder. He pulled away from me with downcast eyes. Then he met my eyes. "But it isn't over. I'm not leaving forever. I'm still your son," he took my hand. "And I need you to know that."

"I do," I said. "I do."

We hugged one more time.

Steve, who was silently sitting on the bed in our room, wiped his eyes and walked over to Peter and I.

"I'm proud of you both," he said, smiling. "My boys are really growing up." He joined our hug, putting an arm on each of our backs.

"I'm going to go tell Wade," Peter said happily. He pulled out of the hug and ran down the hall.

Steve and I went and laid in bed. Excited yelling and cheers came through the floor below.

I sighed with relief, maybe happiness. I would miss Peter, but letting him go in order for him to be happy was more important to me.

Maybe I learned something from my dad's mistakes after all.

Sorry for such a short chapter! The story is winding down now because I've finally figured out how to end this story. I have some plans, and I hope you enjoy the rest!

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