Someone's Happy

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"Wade," he whispers, gently kissing my cheek.

"Yes?" I ask, opening one eye to look at him.

"I need to get up," he whispers. I frown and pull him closer. "I'll make you breakfast."

"Okay," i say, not letting him go. But his super strength over powers me and he gets out of bed.

He puts boxers on before laying next to me again. He kisses my lips softly but deeply. "It was ... great," he mumbles, pulling me closer.

I smile.

(You're not actually falling for this are you?)

[yeah. He didn't like it idiot. I'm surprised he likes you.]

"Like great as in fantastic or legendary? What terms are we working with here?"

"Wade," he says pulling away and giving me a look. "That was my ..." he sighs, unable to think of the past. "It was like the first time with a guy and with you. It was strange, but great."

"Oh," I say.

(Ooh someone is disappointed.)

He kisses me quickly one more time. "Okay, now I need to get up. I'll bring you your pancakes in a bit." He gets up and turns to start walking.

[I bet he won't bring syrup.]

"That's just pessimistic," I retort.

"What?" Petey asks, turning back around to face me. I look at him, eyes wide and questioning. "Who were you talking to?"

"Uh, Yellow."

"Well where is he?" He pulls on a pair of shorts, and walks back towards me. "Come on I want to meet him."

[ooh someone's in trouble.]

(He's getting mad!)

He crosses his arms and waits for me to answer. "Well, yellow is in my head. He's, um, he's not real." I stand on the bed and step off.

[taking the leap.]

(I didn't think it would be for this boy - oh look he's crying.)

Petey rushes to me and hugs me tightly. I hug him back, my arms snaking around him.

"Wade," he says in between sobs.

"No, it's okay Petey," i say quietly, rubbing his back.

"No, Wade," he pulls away for a brief few seconds. "I love you and your crazy mind too. I don't want you to ever think I won't love or accept you."

"Oh," we hug again. "That makes me feel great."

He laughs. "Fantastic or legendary?"

I laugh too, masking tears in a smile. "I love you."

He pulls away with surprise. "Jesus, Wade, you're still naked."

"Oh." I smile and hug him again.

"No, no!" He laughs, kicking his legs to the side. I tickle his sides and he laughs harder. "Okay, okay stop!" He yells, out of breath.

I let him down, and he blushes, but composes himself quickly. He puts a hand on each cheek and kisses me again. I hug him closely, running my fingers along the spine of his back.

[jesus it's like the empire state building!]

(Yeah, Wade, cool it.)

"Petey," i whisper, pulling away. "Didn't you have to go somewhere?" I sit down on his bed, and cover myself with a sheet.

He sees me do this and crosses his arms. "Who ever said that? I just wanted to get up."

He jumps on me and kisses me softly. "Well then," I say, rolling to be side by side. "If you have nothing to do..."


"Peter? Wade?" Steve says through the door, knocking a few times.

"Wade, Wade," Peter whispers, pushing me off. He covers me with the comforter and puts his sweatshirt on. "Yeah, Pops?"

"Hey, I'm making some - -" he says into the door.

"Pops, can you just come in? I can't hear you."

He opens the door swiftly. "Alright," he says with a small smile. "I'm making pancakes if anyone wants some."

I jump out of bed quickly, then realize why I was in bed in the first place.

[ha! You idiot.]

"Well, Wade," Steve says, trying to keep his eyes on the ceiling. "It seems like you are excited for pancakes."

"Pop! Don't use pancakes as a codename for me!" Petey yells, pulling his blankets up over him a little more.

"What? No, I - I wasn't doing that," he says, chuckling nervously.

(Yeah he was.)

"Pfft," I chuckle at White. "Yeah he was."

"See, Pop?" Petey says, pointing at me. "Wade will you come here?"

"Okay," i say padding to him.

He grabs my hand. "Put pants on. Now."

"Okay, scary Petey."

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