"Short" Trip

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"You said he was in New York!"

He was. We live in San Francisco. We came here for a story.

"Ugh, he's a reporter?"


(Ooh Wade hates reporters.)

[he's gonna get triggered!]

Ooh I'm so scared. I can bite your head off. Get over it.

"Don't threaten me. I can stop and go home, and you will die."

Then i'll force you to walk. I'll find Eddie on my own.

He pushes me forward, from the inside, very hard. Like my body is being controlled by — not me. I stand up off the ground and continue walking.

"Fine, fine," I say, straightening my jacket. "Can I at least tell Petey where we're go—"

No time. Walk faster.

He pushes a little bit, but no nearly as hard as before. "But I can call —"

No time. Go faster.

I got out my phone, and start typing a text.

Helping out Venom. Be back soon. Love you.

But Venom makes my hand his own, crushes and throws my phone. "Hey! Now he thinks we left him!"

Good. Personal connections are bad.

"So we don't need to find Eddie then, do we?"

That is a connection based on survival!

I roll my eyes. "That's your perspective. To Eddie you're just a stupid little parasite."

PARASITE?! How dare you!

He pushes me to the ground, then up to a wall. He's crushing my windpipe. "Wait," i whisper hoarsely. He releases a little bit.

(Venom, he's stupid. Dont mind him.)

[yeah, he'll do anything for a laugh.]

He drops me and I wheeze. "Thanks." my throat heals quickly and I stand. I start walking again. "So we need to get to San Francisco?"


"Well you broke my phone. I cant buy plane or train tickets. So we either walk — which i am not doing — or we hitchhike."

I say we hitchhike.

(Me too.)



"So, it took like a week, but here we are in San Francisco," I said.


"Where does Eddie live?"

Let me walk us around real quick.

"Alright," i said, putting my hands in my pockets. Venom takes control of my legs and starts walking up and down the streets. He threw me through a glass door, scaring a woman to jump away from me. "Sorry ma'am!"

He pulled me up four flights of stairs, and we knocked on eight different doors. He ripped through my voice with his. "Eddie!" He screamed. "Eddie, I'm back!"

The doors on either side of the hall opened quickly, and confused people popped their heads out of doorways. A blonde woman stepped out of her apartment with a hand placed steadily in front of her, like a shield. A blonde child with large blue eyes hid behind their apartment door. "Sir," She said firmly. "Are you looking for Eddie?"

I took control of my body again. "Yes. Have you seen him? Do you know where I can find him? Can you point me in his direction?"

A grim look spread over her face. "No," she shook her head. 

"Why not?" I stepped closer, and her hand pushed me away again. "What happened?"

"He died," She said, close-mouthed, so quietly it was almost silent. 

WHAT?!?!?! NO!!!!

I felt his tears spring into my eyes. "He can't be," He breathed. I lowered my eyes and stared at the ground. "He can't be." 

I snapped back into myself again. I wiped the tears away and cleared my throat. I was suddenly aware of everyone in the hallway. "I am. . . so sorry," I felt all their eyes on me, all of their defensive stances. "I'll leave."

I turned and stomped down the stairs again. 

He can't be gone. It's impossible, right? 

"I don't know. People die all the time." 

He slammed me against a wall. 

Not. Eddie. 

"I'm sorry. You're right. You're right!" 

Good. Now, I know Eddie is alive. Find him or I'll kill Petey.

"You wouldn't dare," I grimaced. I peeled myself from the wall. "If you touch him, you'll never -- and I mean never -- see Eddie again."

Fine. Then we understand each other. 

"Yes," I said. "We do."

I stomped down the rest of the stairs and pushed through the glass doors as Venom whispered clues into my ear. I was going to find Eddie. And I was going home. 

I pushed away the separation anxiety from not being with Peter. I needed him -- I wanted him with me -- but I had to focus. 

That's why I couldn't contact him. 

But now, I'm ready. 

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