Struck Down

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Pops stood above us, rage in his crazed eyes.

Samantha screamed, and Wade and I pulled down our masks. I opened a small bullet proof door and pushed Samantha inside. "You'll be okay," I yelled, slamming the door, "it'll be okay!"

I locked it, grabbed Wade's waist and shot a web up. I kicked Pops in the face, and threw Wade at his chest. I web up the doors that Pops broke, hopefully locking Samantha inside.

I look to Wade, and he draws his katanas. "I'm sorry Mr.Rodgers," he brought the sword up, and Pops kicked him away.

"No!" I yelled, shooting webs at my dad. I glared at Wade through my mask. "No killing!" And swing to Pops.

I web him to my carpet and he struggles. He yells in German to some unknown attacker.

Steve's POV

I suit up, grab my shield and look at Tony. "Are you su -"

"Tony." I pull my mask on. "I have to help. I have to at least try."

"Fine. Don't go dying on me." He chuckles and squeezes my hand.

He walks off, to rally the troops, and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. I'm not sure what will happen or what I might do.


In the battle, i ran into a few HYDRA agents in Samantha's room. I told her to find Peter and fought off the agents, but they tackled me. One of the agents opened a book and read to me in German.

Samantha was still in the doorway, and when I blinked she was gone. Her short figure was replaced with a HYDRA agent.

I stood up to see Tony behind me. "Kill this one, soldat."

"Tony?" My voice sounded weird, like I was speaking as someone else. I look back, and the agent in to doorway has drawn a knife. Blood coats the end. "No. No! What did you do?!" I yelled and started running at him.

He ran off and I lost him in the maze of halls. The screams of my daughter rang through them. "Samantha! Peter!" My words still sounded like someone else's.

I yelled in frustration and ran into a HYDRA agent on my way to Peter's room.

He carried katanas and a handgun strapped to his belt. I punch him, and he throws an upper cut before falling to the ground. As I pummel him, i realize he might not be a HYDRA agent.

With blue eyes, blond hair, and a young face, he reminds me of Wade. "I'm sorry," i get up off of him. "Just run, get away from me!" He kicks me in the face and punches my sides a few times. Blood runs down my chin. Anger fills me. "I warned you!"

I punch him again, each punch harder than the last, until he slices my leg with a knife. I wince a reach for it, and he kicks my chest. I fall onto my back and when i sit up, he's gone.

I stand up and run to Peter's room, hoping to avoid any other HYDRA agents on the way.


It seems i've been strapped to the floor somehow. "Let me go! Where are my kids?!" I yell at them.

Peter's p.o.v.

Wade knocks Pops out with a spray, and I reach down the elevator shaft and let Samantha out. Wade and I lift our masks, and Samantha hugs me tightly.

I set her down and Wade helps me put Pops in the medical bay. We strap him onto a bed and call Dad on the comms. "Pops is in medical bay 6, and we strapped him down... like with Uncle Bucky a few years ago."

"Peter? Is he alive?" Dad said, almost like he was going to cry.

"Yes," I said, looking down at him.

"Not for long," a voice said. He dropped down from the metal beams above, dressed in red with horns upon his head. "I know how to fix this."

Wade flipped around, and unsheathed  his katanas. "Daredevil." he said, breathing heavily.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" I asked, watching him bow his head and listen to something.

"Shh," he said, and turned his back to us.

Then i saw it. His limp, his heavy, wheezy breathing, blood on his lips. "Matt," i say gently grabbing his arm, "lay down in one of these beds."

"Petey," Wade said. "Who is this person?"

"Matt Murdock, pleased to - ow! - meet you," - he leaned forward a little and smelled Wade - "um... Wade Wilson, I believe?" He said, and I gave a sorry look, for hurting him. Then i realized he couldn't see it. "It's okay, Peter."

"How did you know it is me if you can't see?" Wade asks.

Matt laughs a little. "Just because I'm blind, it doesn't mean I cant see you two. You've been together... three months?"

Wade looked at me. "He's amazing," he whispered.

"Matt," i said. "Why are you here?"

"Punisher," he groaned as he sat, "he's back and is teaming up with Bullseye."

"Do you need our help?" Wade asked, twisting a katana.

"Wade," i say firmly. "I thought you and Punisher had an understanding."

"We did," He says, shifting on the bed. "But he's getting paid by a big time crime boss to work with Bullseye, so he took the money and told me to jump off a roof."

"And?" I ask. "Who beat you into this bad a shape?"

"Elektra," Matt says, taking off his helmet. "We got into a fight over Bullseye and Punisher." Wade and I glance around the room, uncomfortable because of his eyes. "I'm sorry.. I would put on my glasses if I could, but they're"- he winces -"at home."

I look at Wade, his blue eyes piercing. "We have to help him."

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