Why Did You

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"Why the hell did you leave?" I say, getting angry. I stomp over to Pop in the doorway.

"I don't know," He says. "I didn't want to, it was just like someone on the inside told me I had to."

I snap my head to look at Wade. "Come here. You know more about this than me." He walks towards us reluctantly. "Pop, you said someone was in your head?"

"Yeah," he crosses his arms. "Like my conscience turned on me."

"Turned on you?" Wade asks. "In what way?"

Pop takes a second to mull it over. "It was like I said the opposite of what I thought. This thing made everything I heard and said, just, bad."

"Okay," Wade sighed, rubbing the sides of his nose with his pointer finger and thumb as if the annoyance would come out of his skin. "Let me get this straight," He drops his hands into a position, like holding an invisible birthday cake. "You are hearing a voice that doesnt let you hear what you should hear, and doesnt let you say what you want to say?"

"Exactly." Pop says.

"What does it mean?" I ask Wade.

"He is divided. And his personality is trying to cope with the change."

"That didn't happen with Bucky, though," Pop says.

"Sure it did," Wade snaps. "He has split personality disorder and the Winter Soldier is the dominant, while Bucky is the submissive."

"Can't we just," I give Wade the don't-snap-at-him-like-that look. "Undivide him?"

"I guess we could try, but if we can't get him-" Wade points to Bucky on the floor - "back to his original state, how will we get Steve back?"

"I don't kn-" I start, but stop myself. Dad walks past in the hallway but backs up.

"Steve?" Dad says. "I thought you'd never come back. Why did you storm out on me?"

"I - I," he stammers, looking to me for help. I shake my head; no, help yourself. He looks back at Dad. "Tony," he licks his lips, buying time to find the right words. "I wasn't myself earlier. Something is . . . wrong."

"Are you okay?" He stumbles into the room to Bucky and stands above him. "What happened here?"

Pop walk into the room and hugs Dad from behind. "Tony," he coaxes.

"Steve," Dad says, turning to face Pop. They kiss (a good one, too) and hug. "I'm sorry."

"No I said horrible things to you. I'm the one who's sorry."

Matt - the one who knocked out Bucky because the author was stupid and forgot to say that earlier - crosses his arms and leans against the wall. "You too remind me of two particular somebodies."

My parents blush and break apart. "Wait so how come you get to keep your mask on?" Wade asks.

"Because," I say, intervening before Matt says something stupid. "There are people who will crush his skull with a door if he found out who Daredevil really is."

"And he'll kill you all too." Matt says, adding onto my subtle threat.

"Well I'm rich," Dad says.

"And I'm a super soldier," Pop says.

"And I can't die," Wade says, smiling at the parallel sentence structure (I know he likes jokes ok, don't judge me).

All three look at me. I widen my eyes and point at myself. All three nod to me. "Um, well I'm related to them, I guess," I say pointing at my family with my thumb.

"Well nice little family ganging-up-on-Daredevil, but I'm not taking off my mask."

"Ah, where's Quicksilver when you need him?" Wade says, meaning to be funny.

"Oooh ouch," Tony says. "Sore subject."

"Sorry," Wade says, dropping his head and letting his arm and back go limp. He looks like a rag doll being held at the waist. He stomps back into the kitchen, picking up his pancake pan — still hot — and katana which he drags on the ground behind him.

"Hey, don't pout!" I yell after him. "We still have pancakes!" I say, running after him.

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