What Will I

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"Tony where did they go? What the hell just happened?!" I yell, after seeing Peter and Wade vanish with a puff of purple smoke.

"Steve, I don't know," he looks at me. "But i think we need to go after them."

He's lying, Steve. You can't listen to him. He's a traitor.

"No," I say. "We should let Wade ta —" i stop myself. What am I saying? What you have to say, Steve. "We should leave them alone."

"Steve what is wrong with you?" Tony looks at me like he's never seen me before.

"Nothing," I snap. I regret it instantly. You shouldn't regret what you have to say, Steve.

"Fine," he says sharply, then glances around at the team. "We'll talk later. Everybody suit up! We need to find Peter."

"And the one who cannot die?" Thor asks.

"Wade too." Tony says, almost wincing with disgust. He turns to walk away after everyone has dispersed, leaving me alone. His steps almost seem slower.

I don't like Wade either, but I'm happy that Peter's happy. He's in love.

Like I am.

But he doesn't love you Steve. He hates you. He's been betraying you every day.

Tony loves me! He's told me many... times... before, right? Tony loves me. I know he does. Tony love me. Tony. "Tony," I whisper. His steps are at a normal speed again.

"Steve?" He asks, turning to look at me. I realize I've grabbed his arm with a tight grip.

"I -- I don't know what's happening with me today... I think something -- no, someone -- is messing with me. I want to help find Peter, it's just something is telling me... bad things. Wrong things."

"Steve." He says, sounding kind. But then everything goes fuzzy for a second and when I blink Tony's face twists into a scowl. "Would you just stop making dumb excuses and be a man! I don't care about you! Go away and leave me and Peter alone, forever!"

My eyes fill with tears. "How could you say that to me? I brought us together and you're just going to push me away like everyone else in your life?! You hate me, that's it, isn't it?" I felt the blind rage creeping up on me, like an ant crawling up your arm. "Maybe we should just stop! Give up! Quit! Like everything you've ever done! You're right, I'll go! Good bye forever, Tony!" I pull my hand away as harshly as I can, stomp past Tony and shoulder him.

As I stomp past, I see fear, sadness and confusion mixing and swirling in his brown eyes. I almost feel bad but I've made my choice. "Steve," Tony whispers. "Wait, please, don't go." He tries to grab my hand, but I stop and glare at him.

"I should listen to you more often. so I'm going to try now and --"

"Stay?" Tony interrupts.

"Leave." I say, almost growling at him. I walk away and don't turn to look at him as he yells my name.

Tony's POV

"Steve." I say, keeping my voice kind. His hand has an almost death grip on my arm, and it tightens as his eyes glaze over. He blinks, except his eyes seem almost grey and lifeless. Like the soft blue was stolen away. "It's going to be okay. Peter and I love you just the way you are. We both want to be with you forever."

His eyes fill with tears. Not of joy, but of genuine sadness. Of anger. "How could you say that to me? I brought us together and you're just going to push me away like everyone else in your life?! You hate me, that's it, isn't it?" He pauses slightly and when he starts again, anger breaks his voice and fills the grey pools that are his eyes. "Maybe we should just stop! Give up! Quit! Like everything you've ever done! You're right, I'll go! Good bye forever, Tony!" He rips his hand off my arm very harshly, leaving a warm red spot in it's place. He stomps closer and shoulders me harshly, shoving my body and turning me so all i see is his back.

"Steve," I whisper, a lump in my throat keeping the full force of my voice at bay. "Wait, please, don't go." I try to take his hand in mine, but he stops walking, and turns his head 90 degrees to glare at me sideways.

"I should listen to you more often. So I'm going to try now and --"

I take my chance to interrupt. "Stay?" I ask hopefully.

"Leave." He growls at me. He whips his head to face forward and starts walking away again.

"Steve!" I yell, my voice breaking. His steps don't falter and I fear he may have been honest. "Steve! Please! What about Peter? Where will you go? What will you do?" He slams a door behind him and I fall to my knees. "What will I do?" I sob to myself.

What will I tell him?

Peter's POV

"Peter," Wade says to me, "are you okay?"

"Yeah. But I wouldn't be if you hadn't gotten us out of there!" I joke.

He looks at me with a serious face. "Your life is not a thing to joke about, Peter. Without you I would have nothing, no one, and would still be killing people just to pay for a taco at Taco Place."

"I'm sorry." I peck his lips to show him I mean it.

"It's okay." He smiles sadly. "i just don't know what I'd do without my cute ass Webhead." I blush and we both laugh as loudly as we can while hiding from Bucky. After a few minutes of silence, Wade says, "okay, i'm going to pop my head out and see if he's there."

He moves upward into a crouch, then straightens his back and lifts his head to peer over the small wall we are behind. He gasps quietly and I hear the cock of a pistol. The hair stands on the back of my neck, and I reach towards Wade. I clench his shirt in my hand and yank firmly as the gun fires.

(i'm sorry for another cliffhanger but this chapter was getting unmanageably long so I'm just going to stop here. Thank you so much for reading, and please tell me what you think below!!)

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