After The Honeymoon

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I woke up early and not on purpose. Steve was quiet and still sleeping soundly, so I decided to leave him alone for a while.

I got out of bed. "Where are you going?"

"I was trying not to wake you. I just can't sleep."

Steve rolled his eyes and turned to face me. He lifted the blanket. "Come here."

His bare chest enticed me.

I crawled next to him and hugged him close. He wrapped his arms around me. He quickly fell back asleep.

I love Steve, but when he sleeps he tends to bear hug me. I love it at first, but then it gets really hot and there is no moving Steve's arms. They are like cement blocks.

I shifted a little bit, just to get even more comfortable. I put a hand on his side, and kissed him quickly before falling into a shallow sleep.


I woke up maybe two hours later. I shook Steve a little bit. "Baby," i said to him.

He opened one blue eye. "Yes?"

"Peter's coming back today." I sat up.

"He is?" I nodded. "He is!" He sat up too. He kind of leaned back slowly and awkwardly put a pillow on his lap. "What time?"

I gave him a look. "He'll be here around 5 pm." I looked at the clock. "It's 9 am now."

He smiled, moved the pillow and started to kiss me. He pulled away only to take off my shirt.

Then we [censored] [censored] [censor — JESUS CHRIST, TONY, SHUT UP ALREADY]


Just to, uh, clear things up, Tony and I, um, ...made love... before Peter got home. Because then we would not be able to "go crazy" when he got back.

Tony's words, not mine.


Wade and I got home from Jamaica around 6 pm.

During our honeymoon, we decided that I would be moving into his apartment and living with him.

I haven't told my dads yet.

I'm nervous, sure, but we're married now. I have exactly who I need, and that's all that matters. Wade and I walked into the kitchen holding hands, and Pops was standing by the sink, leaning back against the counter with a mug of coffee and the biggest grin on his face.

"You had sex," Wade blurted out. "At least three times."

Pops was taking a sip of coffee when Wade said that and burned his mouth. "Excuse me?"

"He didn't deny it," Wade said.

"You're right," I said reflexively. Then i looked closer at pops. He was smiling very happily. He was wearing boxers and one of dad's t-shirts. His hair was all messy, too, and he hadn't shaved yet today. "Oh my god, you did!"

"Peter, come on, i'm not discussing this with you."

"Yeah, i know, sex lives are private."

"Except mine," Wade said. He smiled really big. "I had sex this morning, too."

"Wade!" I glared at him. "He's kidding pops. We're going to go to our room now."

"Alright," pops said.

"Oh, and let's eat dinner soon. I have something to tell you and dad."


At the table, Wade keeps fidgeting.

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