Death's Scythe

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"I'll get it!" He yells in his adorable voice.

"Peter!" A man yells, probably Captain Amer -.
Peter answers the door and widens his eyes. He slams the door. "Who is it?"

"Uh... a pizza guy! Must have the wrong place." I heard him laugh nervously.

He opens the door and comes outside. "Wade, you need to leave. I'm getting killed in there." I shake my head, and open my mouth to speak, but he says "Wade, please get out of here."

I cross my arms. "You're getting soft, kid."

He rolls his eyes and hugs me. "I'll call as soon as I can."

He goes back inside.

"Peter," Dad says, standing up. "Who were you with last night? Why didn't you call, or try to text us?"

I sit down. "I heard a little girl screaming and I went to save her, but I saw a body. It was her mom. I was too late, again. I was too late to know about Aunt May, and I was too late to save Uncle Ben. I didn't want to be late ever again, so I stood on a roof, and I - "

"Stop." Pa says. My tears had come already. They poured down my cheeks. Pa hugged me. "Why didn't you tell us that you felt this way? Peter, you don't have to be alone any -"

"Someone caught me," I say, turning away from Pa. "I was with him."

"With?" Pa asks, widening his eyes and clenching his body to be still.

I realize what he means. "No! No, no, no! Not like that Pa!" I stand up, "I wouldn't do that with Wad - a stranger."

"Wade? Who's Wade?" Dad asks. "Oh god. Friday, please find all information about Wade Wilson aka Deadpool."

Natasha widens her eyes, looking at the window. "P-peter, get out of the way!"

I turn around to see Wade, swinging towards the window, holding red and - badly painted - blue roses wrapped in paper with my symbol in a pattern.

I smile, but then I realize that he isn't going to land on the glass like I do, seamlessly and silently. The glass is going to shatter. I look at Vis. He nods, and suddenly everyone isn't with me in living room anymore. I see him comeback for me, but I push him away.

Death's scythe is coming down. No one needs me.

The glass breaks and I instinctively crouch down. Wade's body crashes into mine and I feel stab of pain in one hundred different places. We tumble over the couch and we collapse behind it.

He laughs. "Wow! That was awesome." He stands up and brushes the glass off of himself. "Oh my god, Peter."

I look down at my leg, where his hands are. Right above my knee, a huge piece of glass sticks out and blood gushes out around it.

Bile rises in my throat and comes out of my mouth. "Dad! Pa! Help!" I yell, and they come running in.

"Friday! Call an ambulance and scan his leg! I need you to find out if he has any.." Dad trails off.

"Yes sir. The ambulance will be here in one point one minutes, sir."

"That's too long. He'll bleed out!" Pa yells. "Tony, I don't know what to do. Tony! What do I do!"

"Steve, calm down! You need to put pressure on his leg so it will stop bleeding."

"I'm on it!" Wade yells, squeezing my leg.

I yell in pain. "You're hurting him you idiot! You did this! Get out of here!" Natasha yells, crying and pushing Wade out.

He gets up and starts walking towards the door. "Wade, please don't go." I say, reaching out. He runs back, and grabs my hand. A smile appears on my face and my eyes close slowly.

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