Why Is This The Plan

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I feel Peter's hand grasping my shirt just as Bucky fires his pistol at me. The bullet connects as I hit the ground, pulled down by Peter.

I feel the blood gushing from my face and Peter screams. "Let's go, Peter." I say, slurring in my pain induced high. I grab his hand and slam down on the teleporter with my free hand. The environment dematerializes, along with Bucky, and a new one appears.

I blink in and out of focus, seeing Peter's frightened eyes, and the backs of both Tony and Steve.  a door slams, and Tony is yelling. What is he saying? Peter snaps his head to look at Tony and runs to him. "Dad!" He yells, bending down to look Tony in the eyes. "Are you okay? What's going on with you two?"

"I don't want to hurt you," Tony says, tears falling from his eyes and clinging to his cheeks.

"What happened!?" Peter yells it more than asking. "Dad you have to te --" his voice breaks and he takes in a sharp breath. "Please, dad!" He falls to his knees and holds his head in his hands.

Tony turns to hug Peter. "Steve --" and stops and corrects himself. "Your dad, he's just acting weird today..." Tony hiccups with the sharps breaths you get while crying. "I think he -- he hates me. And he left." Another sharp breath. "He's gone."

"Are you breaking up?" Peter asks, touching Tony's shoulder.

Tony reached up and clenched Peter's hand. "I really don't know."

They hug one more time, and they both shake and cry in each other's arms. I feel so bad, so hurt. Tears boil over and fall down my cheeks. "Petey?" I drag myself to him. "I'm so sorry."

Peter's POV

Wade lays his head on my lap and passes out. "You're okay. It's okay." I put a hand on Wade's cheek and look to Dad. Crying still, he stands. "Where are you —"

"I dont think Steve is himself right now." He says firmly. "I'm going after him. FRIDAY, a little help please?"

"Yes sir." The AI says, sending Dad's suit to him.

"Wait! What's the plan?!" I yell after him.

"Doesnt matter." He says, and zooms out the window with a deafening roar of his boosters.

Why is this the plan? I look at Wade. Why is he taking so long to heal?

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