The Civil War Fiasco

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"Pa, will you tell me a story?" I asked, from the comfort of my hospital bed, with a sleeping Wade next to me.

"Sure, kid." He cleared his throat. "Once upon a time a li-"

"Not that one." I smirked a little.

"Okay. A few years ago, on a mi-"

"Not that one either, Pops." He's getting agitated! I felt like laughing.

"Which one?" His flames of anger tease me.

"The one with King T'challa, and War Ma-"

"No." Dad stepped in. He looked at Pa, and angrily whispered, "you know I hate that story. It makes me want to hate you." He looked up at Pa, and a tear rolled down his cheek.

I felt a headache begin, and it felt like chemicals swirling up my brain. I screamed, and it got worse. The headache became a migraine, and my screams woke Wade with a jolt, drew nurses and doctors to my room, pushing my dads and Wade out.

"I need an MRI, CAT and CT, scan stat!" A doctor yelled, as others pulled at my shirt, checked my breathing and heartbeat.

I thrust my leg out, trying to get them all off, and my knee hit the heart monitor. I heard a loud snap and everyone went silent. I looked at my leg. I screamed.

(WARNING, if you are squeamish, you may want to skip this part)

My bone stuck out the backside of my leg, and blood sprayed some doctor's coats, the ceiling and the sheets.

I vomited, and screamed, again and again. I saw Wade through the window, and he was sobbing. The doctors rushed me out of the room, passed Wade, Dad and Pa.

We rushed past other rooms, a woman with a dislocated shoulder, getting it popped back in. I heard it, and her scream. A man, with burnt flesh, being wrapped with wet towels. He screamed too, and was hyperventilating. An old woman, with broken bones and a slowing heartbeat. A young girl, with a shaved head, holding her mother's hand as she died. I heard the final beep and the time of death. Another young girl, with bandages from her wrists to her shoulders, with blood stains. It looked like slits, almost like tree bark and it's grooves. There were so many cuts.

I felt waves of pain crash into me, over and over and over again. I felt sick again, and vomited on a nurse's leg. "I'm so sorry, so sorry," I repeated over and over, before i knew it, I was in a machine, strapped down, still repeating. "Sorry, sorry, sorry,"

(Traumatizing things are over now. Enjoy.)

A few months ago... Berlin, Germany...

"Vision, I've got a bandit on my six," Rhodes said. "Vision!"

Vision responded after making sure Wanda was okay, and shot a beam meant for Falcon. The beam was dodged by Sam, and hit Rhodes's Arc reactor.

Rhodes fell; Tony and Sam flew after him, but... they were too late. He hit the ground and was injured, taken to a hospital.

Tony put Clint, Scott, Sam, and Wanda into a secret Raft prison in the ocean. Tony went there, talked to Sam, showed them that Bucky was off the wanted list - for the time being - cut out the audio, got Steve's location, and lied to Secretary Ross. All in less than ten minutes.

Tony got back into his helicopter, flew a ways, then went to Siberia, where Zemo, Steve, and Bucky were. What he didn't know, was that King T'challa, Black Panther, was following him.

Fast forward, to the interior of the HYDRA Siberian base...

The video began, and Tony said, "I know this road." Then he yelled to Zemo, "What is this?"

Zemo stood, mouth closed, eyes unblinking. The video continued, showing Bucky crashing a car, killing Tony's father, then his mother, and shooting the camera that captured the footage. Bucky stood silently, eyes downcast, regret in his eyes.

Tony tried to attack the guilty brunet, but Steve held him back. "Tony!" Steve yelled, holding his arm protectively.

Tony looked at Steve, emotions slamming together in his eyes. "Did you know?" He said quietly, pushing the words out through gritted teeth.

Steve hesitated. "I didn't know it was him." He said, glancing at Bucky, then outstretching his hands for protection.

"Don't bullshit me, Rodgers!" Tony lurched forward, being stopped by Steve's hands. "Did you know?"

Steve hesitated again. "Yes." He said it firmly, and braced himself for an attack.

Tony pulled away, betrayal, anger - fury: he was furious with Bucky, Zemo, ... Steve - sadness, and pure hatred boiled in his brown eyes. He registered what he was about to do, and looked at the screen, seeing the barrel of a gun, and Bucky's dead, killing eyes. His helmet flung up to protect his head as he threw his fist up, knocking Steve away.

Bucky raised his gun in protest.

Tony fired a blast, destroying Bucky's gun. Bucky growled and attacked, being stopped by Tony's hands.

Present day, two hours after Peter's "freakout"...

The tests were done, I was given meds, a sleeping pill, and a calming agent.

"Finally done with that," I grinned to a nurse.

"Well, we still have to set your leg, cast it, then do x-rays, and then you'll be done." She smiled sarcastically. "Now, I know you can't walk, but you do have arms. Can you sit up, and I'll pull you to this wheelchair?"

"Actually, i think I can do it. Can you get me some ice chips?" I look at her politely.

She raised an eyebrow. "You don't have send me away. I know about your powers."

Confusion rained on my face, and she laughed. I brushed my shoulder. "It's cool.. we're good." I shot multiple webs up to the ceiling and made a cradle with them.

I sat on it, swung myself over to the wheelchair and lowered myself down.

She wheeled me to my room, and called in a few nurses. Wade was waiting for us, and I grabbed his hand. They touched my leg, and i squeezed Wade's hand tighter.

I tried not to, but I screamed as they set my leg. They took an x-ray, then put the cast on and took another x-ray.

They showed me how to use crutches, get on a wheelchair, and made me stay four more nights, so my stitches on my leg could stay in.

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