1.0 A Nice Normal Girl in an Ordinary World

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I'm not sure how I should start this. I could describe my mornings with an alarm clock waking me up and go about my morning routine. Or maybe start at the end with a dead body and work backwards from there. I know what you want: visuals. Drone cameras are all the rage these days. I could narrate about how lush green the forests are with a bald eagle flying over the treetops for hours on end explaining why we need to protect the environment. Sadly, it's winter and the trees are skeleton bare of leaves, save for the evergreens encircling a lodge-like building with TAVERN engraved above the door. But I'm not gonna dump all this information at once.

What I can say is I am waiting for Carmen, my roommate, outside the tavern and it's a Thursday evening. She has lectures that run late on Thursdays. All I have to entertain myself are a couple of drunken shapeshifters, both of the fox variety, getting into a verbal spat with a drunken human. How do I know they're werefoxes? One of them shifted to mark his territory. From what I can pick up, the human thinks the werefoxes were eying his vampire girlfriend.

"Knock it off I'm narrating here!"

The party looks at me, flips the bird, and they walk around the corner to continue their spat.

Anyway, the tavern has been located on the outskirts of the Metropolis long before I've lived here. Other than moving back a month ago, I last left the Metropolis in the late eighties, if I can recall. Even before then I'd go in and out of the city every twenty years or so. On occasion I'd visit my home country back in—what's my country's name called again now? Ah yes! Bulgaria!

I've witnessed many changes throughout the years. The buildings grew taller and taller and the city grew wider and wider. Businesses? They'd come and they go, and they'd come again and go bankrupt. The tavern is special as it's been an institution here way before the Metropolis existed.

The tavern itself has gone through many owners and name changes from the times I visited. Currently, it's known as Talia's Tavern. The new owner decided to keep a neon sign of an anime-like character wearing a dirndl and holding two large jugs of beer in each hand. Those weren't the only large jugs on the sign. Anyway, one reason the tavern stayed had to do in part with the Metropolis. The pub serves as a meeting ground for both humans and supernaturals to share a drink, even if the human ends up being the drink. As for the term supernaturals—

"Lena, you've been narrating the whole time I was here?"

I turn around and Carmen appears with her arms up in a shrug. The air escaping from her turns into a tiny cloud as she mouths, "What the Hell?" She was standing right behind me the whole time I've been narrating.

"Aren't you supposed to be—"

"In class?" She scoffs. "It got cancelled the moment I arrived so I headed here."

"That's what you said last Thursday we went out, and the Thursday two weeks ago."

"Who cares?" She grabs my arm then drags me into the pub. "What are you waiting for? Let's go for a pint!"


Edit (03/07/2017): I've added some more content to make it not seem so short and hopefully I have enough relevant content and Lena's not too dumpy with her content. 

I appreciate feedback so please leave some. Tell me what parts make your laugh, cringe or needs improvement. Of course if you hit the star that's good too.

To make this a bit more interactive: The title is a reference to a children's tv show (from the theme song). Can you name the show? Have you heard of or seen (maybe read the original book behind it) the show? What are some of your favourite childhood shows (or other media) that feature vampires?

Song featured: "Take Back The City" by Snow Patrol. Just in case the media doesn't work properly.

Let's Go For A Pint (Vampire/Humor)Where stories live. Discover now