5.0 The Ghost of 5 Years Past

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If music be the fruit of love, play on. Wait, maybe it's food not fruit. Whatever it is, Shakespeare is of no importance here. The band playing in Talia's tonight mixes country music and hard rock which has the crowd here dancing to it. Well, in my opinion, the band needs more work because I can hear potential with their violinist. Hearing her play reminds me of aspirations I had before vampire puberty kicked in. I only had two days of practice before someone, whose name I refuse to mention, told me it was a waste of time and I should prepare for motherhood. Oh yes, there were many things he did to try to control me, but I'm glad I'm far away from him.

Where was I? Ah yes, music. While country rock is new to me I prefer music of older eras. One of my favourites has to be the beginnings of 80's new wave and goth rock. The futuristic and atmospheric sounds send me into a state of euphoria and I forget the world around me exists. Lately those sounds just remind me of one little pest who happens to haunt me for the past five years, both figuratively and literally. His name: Draven Nightmoon.

"I can't believe you took five episodes to get to my story, Mistress."

"Shut up, Draven! I'm telling it now!" I say through clenched teeth to the 80's goth guy that has appeared.

Draven folds his arms and leans against the bar, practically sunken into the bar itself. "You know, I can tell this story much better, since I know everything that happened in the past couple of weeks."

"You can tell this story in your own series, provided that you get one."

He scoffs. "Whatever." He leans further into the bar then disappears. If only he'd disappear for as long as I'm here.

The band finishes playing their song and the lead singer, a dark-skinned man wearing a navy cowboy hat, pulls the mic closer. "We have a special request dedicated to the woman in the blue dress," he announces with a deep voice.

I look around and assume the dedication is for Talia, but he winks at me. I can't help it if my shirt is long enough to be a dress, but it's purple. Within three bars of the intro I recognize the tune by Concrete Blonde. Go figure the twat would pick a song about vampires.

"I love this song," Talia says as she put a fresh cocktail on the bar. "Your ghost friend has excellent taste in music and the band does a decent cover."

"I wouldn't exactly call him a friend." As I reach for the glass, it slid away from me and into the ghostly hand of Draven. "Did he order that?"

"You think he's going to stain bar?" Talia takes a knife and pricks her finger, allowing a few drops of blood to fall. A few seconds later the stain is absorbed into the wood.

"Oh my concern isn't leaving a huge blood puddle on the floor."

I turn my head to the right and Draven takes a gulp of the cocktail. With lightning speed, he lowers the glass and spews whatever he drank all over Social Justice Werewolf Exorcist style.

"He tried blood before when he was alive," I say to Talia, shaking my head. "It's a taste he didn't acquire."

As much as I want to watch Social Justice Werewolf blow off steam, I have a story to tell.    


Draven was originally conceived for one of the entries I did for WattVampires summer contest back in 2015 (about a nemesis). While I believe the word limit for that one was 1500 words (more or less) this episode should expand a little more on him. I believe he's changed a bit since that inception but plot is similar. Ending is different though.

Song featured: "Superstition" by Blanche

Edit 27/05/2018: added more content. Also the song that Draven requests the band to play:

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