50K reads!!!

146 7 2

Since there's a good number of you who have this in your library somewhere might as well make an announcement here. A bit preemptive as some of the reads come from me looking over the chapter for errors, but nonetheless it happened.

Achievement Unlocked: 50000 reads

Yes, it took 4 years and 5 months (even though I mentioned in my profile announcement 4 years and 4 months). First uploaded in November 2016 (not counting the shorts that I based most of Episode 1 which were done in 2015), entered into and won a Watty in 2017, and while it didn't pick up the numbers as fast as some other stories on here, it is a reachable number. It may not be on the featured page, but it has somehow found it's way to users on here (suggested read? SYS post? Recommendation from someone?). It's be nice if analytics told me where you discovered it, but I'm straying from what I want to say.

Anyway, for those who have read the first version pre-edits, or the current version in which I'm making more edits and adding some bonus content not originally planned, thank you all. If you haven't read this yet, consider this announcement reminding you that it's there in your library buried somewhere. Hopefully you'll enjoy this as others have (and please excuse the mess).

Here's to another 50k more in reads/views. Also a shoutout to readers @nahyacrimson and @Miz_Inem who were reading this as it reached that milestone. Thank you all!

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