1.10.0 Old World Habits Die Hard

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Today is a good day to get some rest. I just lay on the bed, Carmen's laptop plugged into the TV, and marathon through shows that aired in the mid 90's. The one I'm watching now happens to be about a teenage girl narrating her life. I'm exhausted from nursing the little leech. Yes, that's right, I turned someone. If you think it's simple a baby vamp just has to feed from their sire, whether they're male, female, or whatever sex in between once, you're wrong. It takes days and I'm only on the second week. This whole ordeal started right after I took Donnie Knight to Talia's.

The Tavern was moderately active. The regular crowd was there, mostly crowded around a foosball table. A team of a witch and a shapeshifter were facing off against another witch partnered with a ghost. I easily spotted Carmen at the bar having a chat with Social Justice Werewolf, but the vampires' immediate recognition of Donnie changed that.

"I remember when you were performing in operas," one mentioned.

"Why are we standing around when I could be kicking his ass?" another one said. "Because of him a girl I was courting left me."

Not wanting any further involvement, I slipped away from the tiny mob and joined up with Carmen. She wasn't too pleased he tagged along with me.

"What part of not bringing Donnie Douchebag didn't you get?"

For someone who was excited to meet the douchebag himself, she definitely did a one eighty on her feelings towards him. "I'm hoping Talia might take care of him. I mean, I've never seen Donnie around here before. You've never seen him around here. I'm counting on the regulars to back me up on this."

"I've never heard of this Donnie Douchebag guy until his solo career," Social Justice Werewolf added in. "Guys who act like assholes in public deserve much more than a kick in the nuts." She pumped her fist in the air. "Rock on, sister."

"You're not limiting it to white, male vampires? That's a change."

"Hey, don't get sidetracked, Lena." Carmen waved at Talia, attempting to get her attention. "I've had enough hearing about the male monster creature patriarchy in one night."

Social Justice Werewolf cleared her throat but Carmen told her to shut up about political correctness in her own way. Then Donnie decided to join us.

"Sorry about that, had to settle a dispute regarding something personal." He initially sat next to Carmen but she moved away and sat behind me. "Hey, I apologized what I could–"

"Just because someone writes a fantasy about being whisked away to be immortally with some warped idea of a boy band member does not mean they consent to it." Carmen tried to flag Talia again then continued, "If it helps, my sister was in a relationship with a vampire while I was living with her. I had trouble sleeping the first couple nights because I was sure he'd take a little nibble without me knowing about it. He did of course, but he also told me how to fend him off, if he ever does that. It's fucking annoying!"

And that's why I never feed off Carmen without her consent.

"This idea of yours is plain, fucking creepy. It's not like I'm dying of cancer or used in a ritualistic sacrifice that I need to be turned to be saved."

"I see. So, you wouldn't mind if I pay for your next drink?"

Carmen looked at me and mouthed, "Is he serious?"

I shook my head slightly.

"Is that a no or a yes? I hate it when you troll me like that." She flagged Talia down again, this time calling out her name.

"Yes, what do you want? You could have asked Bartender or Annalisa –"

"Annalisa?" Carmen inquired.

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