1.10.3 A Ghost Of A Chance At Escape

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After Carmen literally flew the coop, I made the bed appear that she was sleeping in it. I doubted it was convincing enough as humans do breathe subconsciously while they're asleep. Carmen's also a heavy snorer but they didn't need to know that. The seamstress returned to continue work on my dress and it didn't take her long to finish. If you ever seen folk dancers in costume from Eastern Europe, it's basically what the dress looked like, embroidered vests and all, except more black. Seriously, it's like some weird vampire stereotype that we're all Gothic fashion freaks. I mean it in the subculture, not the Germanic tribes who were mostly werewolves by the way.

The moment the seamstress was about to declare my dress fitting done, she realized that she didn't bring up the matching headpiece so she left to get it again. You'd think that a castle with servants she'd get one of them to bring it up to her. Anyway, with her gone I reached into my bag and pulled out a broken EMF detector used in ghost hunting. How I found this thing is another story, but it was one way I could bring him along. Even in times of dire need Draven is still of some use.

"Okay, Draven, you can come out now," I summoned him in a singsong tone.

The device made some beeping noises and within seconds he was floating in front of me. And he sported a huge grin on his face. "You look lovely in that dress. It suits you well, Mistress."

"I'd thank you under different circumstances. It's—"

"Your wedding dress. I listened into the conversation you had with Jimi and left before the other barrier was put up."

"Well, if you were watching out for me, you—"


The thing with dust barriers is it traps traps anyone inside. If no one, human or not, can leave, neither could they enter. He saw Lukasz coming and he could've warned me faster than Ramsay getting James. It explained why I was stuck in this situation as anything with legs take a while. Not that Talia did something for plot convenience convincing us to take the dust.

"Well, if you were paying close attention, Remi has a working cell phone and the signal strength's good enough for a decent internet search. How are your bilocation skills?"

Draven stroked his chin. "Mara may have mentioned how to do it at some point, but I can't quite recall."

"You can appear in two locations at once. You can either be in the past and present simultaneously, or still be in the present elsewhere. You can't change the past but you can affect the future outcome."

"Oh yeah, I've done that before. Mara humiliates me every time I do that. I don't really like doing it though."

"You can try present to present, but the time difference is going to affect how fast I'll get information. It's like watching a live feed on dial-up internet."

Draven made a bleh noise and shuddered. He wanted to help me and he didn't want me to marry Lukasz. He removed his wig and floated back and forth as if he was pacing.

"Any second now, Draven. Preferably before the seamstress comes back."

He stared at me and he had a confused expression. "Sorry, Mistress. I'm not aware of the time. I'll do it, but promise not to laugh at me."

"I can't guarantee that. It's a side effect of newbies who don't have a grasp over processiong the information as it happens."

"Three years of being able to do this and I still can't do it properly," he muttered as he crossed his legs into a lotus position. "How far back, Mistress?"

I sat down and folded my hands in my lap then exhaled sharply. "Anything within the last twelve hours. If you can get anything off James or Max—or Donnie even—that'd be great. Maybe Talia and Bartender too if they're in the same room."

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