A second note from the author

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Congrats! You have made it through season one of "Let's Go For A Pint!" Okay, maybe not all of you if tap this from your push notifications (so get reading if you're not done!).

Season one you say? Are you making more? I plan to, but first I would like to edit the earlier chapters, maybe make a few changes in terms of areas that may be lacking or parts that need to be split up (to make for an easy read). I would also like to work on upgrading Laws of Motion (my first work posted on here) to something more age appropriate (steer it towards new adult or adult fiction if the focus on teen protagonists is not appropriate for an adult book). I won't mark this as complete unless there hasn't been any activity for 6 months straight. Scratch that, it's marked as complete so it can be picked up by the filter for those looking for complete reads.

What? You still want more? I may put in some shorts, focusing on characters that don't get featured a lot because, well, this is all from Lena's perspective and it's not like she's 24-7 around Max and James or lives in the Tavern. Pub hangouts in urban fantasies seem to feature an array of supernaturals as well as opportunities for comedic interactions. Think of at extra bonus content for an episode. Want to know what goes on during karaoke night? Trivia night? Interesting hotspots in the Metropolis? The shorts are gonna be something like that and may focus on characters prominent but not so prominent in the universe.

You wanna know what's in for season 2? I have ideas for it, considering the ending of Season 1 it will involve *SPOILERS* (just scroll down to the division if you don't want to know what happens at the end of episode 10)







Vampire parenting, a werewolf character added to the main group, another holiday special (Valentine's most likely), a visit to Metro City (Draven's hometown), Max's family, an episode or two focusing on the bartender, a possible big bad in Lamashtu (opportunity for a team-up with Clan Zemlich). Again nothing's set in stone for season 2. If you have ideas I may consider them.


Should I leave it the way it is? It can stand on its own with one season, but I feel like there could be more to tell and more tropes to explore (even if it leads to general fantasy/urban fantasy stuff). This will depends on how I feel like doing and when the creative bug steers me towards this.

And last but not least, a huge thank you to those who have read through the whole thing, left comments along the way, and have voted. You'll help shape better incarnations of this.

Let's Go For A Pint (Vampire/Humor)Where stories live. Discover now