3.1 The Invite

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Exams were over and the break between the winter and summer semesters was on. Not so much a break for Carmen as she used the summer semester for her research and masters thesis drafting. According to her, she had plenty of free time and because of that we frequented the Tavern. Apparently, Carmen believed I needed more friends. Since I almost exclusively hung out at the Tavern, I'd find one more there. Instead, that one weekend we were supposed to go, Carmen had other plans.

The moment I stepped out of the bathroom, she arrived from a day of grocery shopping. I agreed to do her laundry so I wouldn't go out. After placing the last of the bags in the kitchen, with Greg's help of course, she had something important to announce.

"Lena, we're having supper at my friend's place on Saturday."

"Which one? Please let it not be Max." While I was okay with Max at this point, I still didn't trust him to make dinner after he ordered pizza for us once. On second thought, I had no desire to dine at her friend's place whoever he or she turned out to be.

Carmen leaned against the island with her elbow resting on top. "We're eating at my friend James' place."

"You certainly have a lot of male friends. I wouldn't be surprised if he's your secret boyfriend or ex you haven't told me about."

"Actually, he's an old friend of mine from high school who was into weird magic shit. After he left town — no wait it was before I graduated he left. Anyway, I haven't kept in touch with him since then. He's been living in the Metropolis for four years now. We just met at the mall while I was grocery shopping. His auntie owns a Chinese herbal store and he's been working there."

I leaned against the doorframe. "So, is this the friend hosting dinner?"

"Yes. He extended an invitation to you," she continued as she sorted out the groceries. "Well technically, he said I can bring a friend and you two will get along just fine."

"I can't make it. I have plans for that Saturday."

"Do your plans consist of reading '25 things you have to try before reaching 250?'"

She got me there. Reading ClickBuzz articles was how I was going to spend most of my weekend. I also downloaded a free to play MMO game and grinded up to level 40.

"I won't force you to wear anything ridiculous. He's a good cook though he's vegetarian. I guess that comes with being into the weird magical shit."

"We're only doing this once, right?" I entered the kitchen and took a mug from the cupboard. "Next time he invites you over for dinner I don't have to tag along."

"Of course! You never met the guy yet so you can't make a decision not to return after not seeing him."

She did have a point. I meet her friend just once and not see him again. I looked at my empty mug and placed it down on the counter. "Laundry's done."

"Can you really hear the laundry room from here?"

"No. I was supposed to pick it up the moment you got back."

"Mine or yours?"

"Yours, I think?"

"You better get down there now! I'm sure the bitch in 502 steals my clothes."

I pointed at myself. "Carmen, vampire roommate. I can get stolen things back."

I took the key card from the key ring hook and headed to the laundry room.


The best weekends are definitely staying in and doing mindless, fun things. At least for Lena. Do you like to stay in during the weekends or do you prefer going out? Maybe you like a bit of both? Of course if you made it this far: share, vote, add, comment. You know the drill.

Song featured: "Fire Escape" by Civil Twilight

Edited: 10/12/2017

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