1.9.5 I Didn't Know That Was You

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"And that's how I ended up here."

I look at Betsie and apparently my story put her to sleep. For a pint-sized girl she snores like a chainsaw. I guess I made it sound like some bad fan fiction she dozed off. A woman who was tossed in halfway through telling it took some interest.

"You definitely got some guts or were just really drunk," the woman, who speaks with a southern accent, comments. "All these things about boybands and vampires sound more like fan fiction than an actual story. My daughter's only sixteen, still a virgin, and she came up with a much better story than that."

"What? The kind in which the girl ends up with her vampire lover?"

"Are you kidding me? There's tons of those stories online. She's written one where she ships Donnie and Jonas together and he, Donnie that is, has to defend him from rival vampire Justin and werewolf Malik."

Of course, shipping the boys around is not as common as a straight romance. I mean, what's more of a sexual fantasy: being in it or being a voyeur? I look at Betsie again and finally she wakes up.

"What did I miss?" She groggily asks. She moves her head left and after rubbing her eyes she says, "Georgina? What are you doing here?"

"Betsie? I hardly recognized you girl! It's been ages!"

Yep. They had to reunite here in the cell. If I'm going to share a cell overnight with them until Donnie formally presses charges, I'd rather kill them and break out of here. As I'm about to do it, the guard approaches the door to the holding cell.

"Which one of you is Ileana Darvova?"

I stop just mere milliseconds from making my attack on Georgina. I straighten myself up and answer, "That's me!"

The guard unlocks and opens the door. "You're free to go. Mr. Knight is dropping the charges against you."

That's unexpected. I punched him hard enough to give him more than just a black eye, considering how fast vampires heal. Donnie's also a celebrity with a bit of infamy attached to him so I might've done some justice for the times he undeservingly punched someone. But why the release? Why not charge me with battery and assault and send me to do community service? Why am I thinking about this? I should walk out while I have the opportunity.

"If you want to stay here, that's up to you."

"No, I'm good." I leave the cell and as I'm leaving Betsie and Georgina continue to play catchup. After I grab my things and leave the station, I spot Donnie standing at the base of the steps with his back turned.

"There's no need to thank me," he says as he turns around with a cigarette in hand.

"Funny, I'm debating whether I should."

"If it helps, I wasn't aware that Carmen's yours."

I walk down the stairs and stop in front of him. "I don't own her. Carmen's my friend. I don't treat her like she's my personal cow. She owns the flat I live in and I pay for half of it."

Donnie chuckles just as he takes a puff of his cigarette. He sighs. "Let's walk. The longer I stay here the sooner someone will recognize me.

The last thing we need is to be the front page of celebrity gossip. So we walk away from the police station. As we are walking I ask, "So, what prompted you to drop the charges?"

Donnie tosses his cigarette and takes out another. "You must've recognized the idols we brought along with us in the green room, right? They weren't there only for show."

"It's how I was able to identify you."

"After I mentioned you to Jonas, he told me who you are. Officer Vonner too. If word got out you were put on trial and arrested, I'd get much worse what you did to me earlier."

I shake my head to acknowledge what he has said. "To be honest, I try to keep that part of me not public. I mean, I tried dying my hair black and that didn't turn out so well."

"It seems you and I have a lot in common."

"Donnie, you're a celebrity–"

"You know what I mean, Ileana, or do you want Lena?"

"Lena's cool."

"Anyway, Lena, this vampire thing, it's a fantasy for some. While I like to boast that I have a harem of women waiting for me every night, not all of them survive or stay with me. Sure that hasn't stopped women from dreaming of becoming one, and I've fought with the others over who gets to keep which woman, but the reality does shatter their dreams. I'm not the bad boy the media portrays me to be, but hey, it garners some attention."

Donnie's right in the fact that we're not so different. I did try to hide my vampire nature from Carmen when I first met her and she was cool with it after my revelation. Others in the past haven't been too accepting of it if and when I open up. Yet there is still one thing I haven't told her and my friends that I'm afraid will have to be revealed one day.

"You know what? I'm feeling a bit peckish. You can choose where to eat and I'll pay for it."

"Are you doing this because you learned who I am or are you flaunting your celebrity status around?"

"Come on, Lena! I'm being nice here."

Just as I am about to give an answer my phone buzzes. I take it out and it's a text from Carmen: At Talia's. Meet me here. Do not bring Donnie Douchebag. "That's odd, how does she know I'm out?"

We stop walking and Donnie raises his head a bit. "Oh yeah, there was this goth kid that showed up just before you left the station. He claims to be your familiar and says you like my band's song."

If I can see myself I would be red in the face. Fucking Draven had to show up. "I'll admit I do like a couple, maybe a couple albums worth. And I did have a slight crush on you. Now that I learn you're a vampire it makes it seem a little less awkward of a crush. You're not like a millennia or–"

Donnie scoffs. "Do I appear like those bat-faced geezers?"

"No, but–"

Donnie places a finger to my lips. "Let's go for that pint, shall we?" He removes his finger then continues, "Now where are we going?"

I like to give Donnie a kick in the nuts, but Talia can make something that's far more potent. I take a few steps north. "This way."


Well what do you know? Donnie's not that bad of a douchebag! (Okay, maybe he still is) Anyway if you make it to the end of here, awesome! Next episode (the next six parts that is) will be the season finale to wrap up season 1. You know the drill! I love to read your comments so any you leave I appreciate. There's also that star you can hit if you like it. And if this is something the world should read (even though it's still rough around the edges) share it!

Song featured: "Chasing the Sun" by The Wanted

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