5.2 Draven

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 I woke up from my weekend nap to Carmen letting out a bloodcurdling scream. Not what I'd like to wake me up, but something horrible happened by the sound of it. I jumped out of my bed and opened the door. When I looked into the living room, I hardly recognized it: the couches, the entertainment system, the dining furniture—Hell, even the tacky oriental furniture was rearranged.

"You said you were sleeping the whole weekend!" She snapped at me the moment we locked eyes.

Normally I wouldn't get startled in these situations, but that scream set me off balance. "I was. I swear I didn't move the furniture."

"You've been saying you dislike the furniture arrangement the first few days you've lived here. Who else would move it?"

She was right about one thing. I wasn't a fan of the furniture arrangement. I prefer lying parallel to the kitchen on the couch. The porcelain vase would obstruct my view of the TV, not that I watch much but I use it to play movies. And speaking of said vase, Draven happened to be inside it. He slowly poked his head out, and his face glowed upon noticing me.

"I rearranged the living room just as you like it, Mistress."

"Go away Draven!" I commanded him with a hushed voice.

"Is someone there?" Carmen turned her attention to the vase. "That's been with me for at least a year and a half. As far as I know it's not possessed by an evil spirit."

"Hey, who are you calling evil spirit?" Draven directed that at Carmen and just as he pulled out an arm, the vase shook.

Carmen jumped back a little. "Did you see that? The vase shook on its own! Now would be excellent in telling me if you can use telekinesis."

"That would be cool but sadly, I can't."

Carmen raised an eyebrow. "Then what?"

"The shaking would be Draven Nightmoon. Well, that's the name he gave himself." I moved to a spot on one of the couches while Carmen took a seat on the other one.

"Ooh storytime!" Draven phased through the vase and floated over to the edge of the coffee table. He sat in a cross-legged position floating above the floor.

"So, what's the story behind Draven?" Carmen asked as she grabbed a pillow and leaned into it.

"Promise you won't report this to the police?"

"I'm sure the walls aren't paper thin. I can't guarantee if a neighbour overhears after I let out that scream."

At least she was honest. "Do you recall the death of Patrick Bishop's son, Seamus from five years ago?"

"Patrick Bishop? That whackjob, ultraconservative lawyer who almost became Congressman for Metro City?"

"Whackjob ultraconservative doesn't even scratch the surface," he commented.

"Shut up Draven, she can't even see or hear you," I scolded him.

"Shutting up now, Mistress."

"Yes, that guy," I sighed.

"I somewhat recall it being all over the news, but paid little attention. From what I remember, police found his body in the back of some concert venue. He was attacked by a rabid, stray dog or something like that, and died from blood loss. Sad thing, still."

"Well, that wasn't what killed him. I killed him. By accident. Metro City isn't too friendly to supernaturals. If they discover a vampire did it, I'd still be on the run."

Carmen nodded her head slowly. "And by accident, you fed on him but lost control?"

"Yes and no. About three weeks before he died, we met at a tribute concert for bands like Sisters of Mercy and Joy Division. He caught me feeding off of someone and then he begged me—and I mean literally begged—to turn him. I was reluctant at first as I didn't want a newborn vampire following me around, especially after learning he was the son of a corporate lawyer and a socialite. The Bishops are nobility if that's the word to describe them. They also have celebrity status among their congregation. Draven was well aware if someone outed him having unchristian interests, it'll cause a scandal of some sort. He'd get kicked out of his house and inheritance. After meeting me, all of that didn't matter, but I refused to turn him. I know the first thing he'll do once he can go off on his own, is kill his family. I don't turn humans to give them the tools to exact vengeance. Eventually, I gave in but as I was waiting for him to come back to life, I heard people approaching and I fled. Also, Draven's spirit didn't cross and when I saw him, it was a clear sign the transformation failed."

Carmen paused to soak in the information. "That's quite the infodump you gave."

"Believe me, I can go into further detail if you like."

"No, no, I'm good." She glanced at the vase and sighed. "And have you turned anyone else before?"

I looked up as I tried to remember if I did. If it was something that turned out bad, I'd do my best to forget it. Then again, Draven still haunted me regardless of his presence.

"There was one at the turn of the 20th century, but she died during World War II. We weren't that close, and she resented life as vampire after a year. Other than what happened with Draven, I haven't tried to turn anyone else."

"I understand it's easy for guys to make more of you, but have you considered, not turning anyone?"

I didn't think about it, but it's possible. She may have provided another option, but I had to have at least one surviving, rozhba or what's a better term? Progeny? "Yeah, but how am I supposed to contribute to the world domination cause?"

"Don't. This way you won't end up with some idiotic vampire who goes around killing people, or the suicidal emo kid who made a poor decision." She looked around then asked, "The fuck he doing now?"

I looked around for him too. For some reason, he decided not to listen to my whole story and moved to the kitchen. He was holding the blender pitcher and looking at the base as if he never seen one. He must've been forbidden from setting foot in the kitchen.

"Really? Is the blender haunted too?"

"That's where he is right now."

Carmen shook her head in disbelief. She got up from the couch, walked to the kitchen, and snatched the pitcher from Draven. She put it back in the sink where it was sitting for days, took a large bottle of vodka from the fridge, and went to her room.

Draven watched her storm into her room. After she slammed the door, he asked, "Did I do something to upset her?"

I shook my head. "You already know the answer tothat."    


Carmen's not having a good day. She hasn't been feeling well even after finding out who attacked her supervisor. Maybe you like to share a story of a bad day? Not all bad days can be shrugged off so if you feel like you need to tell someone about your problems, there's at least someone out there willing to listen.

Anyway, you know the drill. You like what you've read so far, feel free to show some appreciation. Think that my writing needs improvement? Help me with that too.

Song is "If You Have Ghosts" by Rory Erickson

Edited: 18/06/2018

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