Episode 6 Bonus: Oh, not again!

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The following takes place after 6.0. May be a little long.

"Just a wee more," James yells from below as if the rafters were above the clouds.

I extend my arm to reach for the prosthetic leg, careful to not break the wooden beam that creaked under my weight. You try hanging upside down from a roof in need of repair. As no one gave a fuck about the prank pulled on him during the "TwiWorld" brawl, I became the sole volunteer to help him. Dwight and his 1950s ghost gang find me inching towards the leg amusing I suspect they were the ones behind it. They'll get what's coming for them once I inform James and Talia.

One touch and the leg falls off the beam. Judging from the expletives, I have a good idea where it landed. I drop from the rafters and land on my feet, wincing from the hard landing. After recovering, I spy James with his leg attached. I walk over and lend him a hand up.

"You could've used a spell to summon it."

"Ye dinnae think I tried that first?" He stomps both of his feet. "Some ghost or witch with a sick sense of humour prevented me from doing so. I'll send Ramsay to take care of business. If they know what's good for them ..." No need to narrate 'he punches his left fist into the palm of his hand', but I just did.

"So, drink on my tab?"

"I could use one," he replies after wiping his hands.

We arrive at the bar as the last fight participant leaves the Tavern. Even the ghosts who haunt the place are calling it a night. Apart from staff, only ones still here are myself and James.

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm closing early," Talia says while wiping her forehead. "If you have any tabs open, I'll close them now."

"Ye serious? Ye hardly had any problems with rounds of fisticuffs y'need to close the place."

"The Feast of Perun isn't for another week. What's going on?"

Talia taps the computer screen then leans on the bar towards us. "The fight isn't the reason, and the Tavern won't be closed for Perun. I agreed to host my coven's high priestess's daughter's wedding banquet."

A look of embarrassment takes hold of James' face, his cheeks flushing tomato red.

"You didn't sleep with her ahead of a ceremony that requires her to still be a virgin, did you?" She raises her eyebrows as she lowers her head.

James stammers as he raises his shoulders and leans back. "Snezhana's a fine lass, but she doesnae want to go through with it. She wanted something to suppress her nerves and naturally I told her yer the one to see."

"She suspects I'd tell her mother and therefore went to see someone else." Talia turns her head and yells at Bartender, "смешай два виски колы"

Bartender rolls his eyes as he takes a bottle of whiskey off the shelf. I share the sentiment after last call of wanting to leave, but we aren't going anywhere just yet.

Talia fetches two flasks, whips up a potion in each, and places one in front of James after corking them. "You know what to do?" Simultaneously, Bartender serves us the whiskey colas.


Talia turns her attention to me. "That friend of yours and her wolf shifter boyfriend, have you heard from them?"

I hold on to the glass and tap my fingernails. "I can't say that I haven't. Her last InstaPix post was 4 days ago at a cat cafe. Let me show you."

After finding the photo on Zenia's feed, I hand my phone to Talia. The very second she lays eyes, she shoves the phone back into my hand. "I don't think I'll be hosting 'cat cafe' here. Anyway, it's lovely to see them together. Snezhana isn't so lucky."

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