1.10.2 Orlok Syndrome Is NOT A Laughing Matter

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It's a true fact vampires can't cross large bodies of water and there's a reason for that. Whether you were born vampire or turned by one, there is a transition phase—more like a dream—that happens. It's more like entering a state of death because that's what it is, but more visual. There's a long line of humans who recently died waiting for the ferryman to take them across the Styx. Vampires get to jump ahead since our state of death is only temporary. Everyone took a number while we had VIP bracelets. Anyway, we're taken directly to the ferryman, and he gives us a task to do while we're in the underworld. The most common one happens to be crossing the Styx. No explanation how to do it—just a simple instruction.

And many refuse to do the task. Why? If you fell into the Styx, you'd be considered dead. There was no chance of returning to the land of the living; therefore not completing the transition. The ferryman's not mean and nasty, however. If the Styx task was too hard, he'd offer an easier one at a cost. When one returns from the underworld, the image of a river of screaming souls is forever burned into memory. Every time they come across river or a lake, even the ocean, it'll automatically trigger that memory. Which was the reason Lukasz and his men slept during the whole plane trip with the few instances of agonized screams while crossing the Atlantic. The pilots were human but served the clan. Quite handy for the situation we were in.

The moment we touched down in the Kingdom—well I should say the seat of the Kingdom since Zemlich rule—Carmen and I were escorted to a room in a castle. Immediately fittings for a bridal gown commenced. Judging by the seamstress' swiftness I had a hunch the wedding was soon, like next evening soon.

"Don't I get something to eat?" Carmen asked as she sat up on the bed. "I mean all they had on the plane was blood, and I don't get much nutrients from blood as you do."

"Check my bag. Last time I checked bringing a pack of Skittles wasn't illegal."

"That's it? Skittles?"

"Well, his majesty was very insistent that we only pick one thing. The Skittles were next to what I needed to bring with me. Front pocket."

Carmen groaned as she got off the bed and once she retrieved the packet, the seamstress and her helpers were done with my wedding dress. "We travel halfway around the world, end up in a dungeon-like room, and the only thing keeping me alive is a pack of Skittles." She fell back onto the bed. "Why did you bring me along with you? You could just call on Draven. He is technically your familiar."

I shuffled around to get to the edge of the bed. The seamstress made the dress a little too tight and she forgot to remove a pin. After I removed it I sat on the edge and laid back. "I'm scared, Carmen. I mean I literally have no one on my side. Mom and dad, as I've said, I don't know where they are and they don't know where I am. My sister doesn't really care too much about what I do and wants no involvement after she got out of marrying Lukasz. The only family showing up to this thing are the clan members who support the union because it means we don't get killed."

I didn't realize I was crying until Carmen caught one of my tears. "I've been through a couple of abusive relationships and I'm still here. You're not alone and you have friends who support you. Your clan won't be killed off, whether that matters to you or not. He may think there's no one but him to support you, but that's not true. Remember that."

And Carmen was right. Besides her there were Max, James, Zenia, Brandon, the Stoners, Donnie and his band to some extent. Mostly Donnie though. I guess I can add Draven onto this list as much as I dislike the guy.

"Lena, what's the brown fuzzy thing by the window? I've never seen it before."

I looked at what Carmen described and it turned out to be a bat. With the window closed it left a mystery of how it found its way in. Assuming it wanted out I got up to open the window and the moment I did more bats swarmed in. I thought I was going to be attacked and hopefully die before the wedding started, but that didn't happen. I'm still telling you this story, right? The bats assembled to form your classic pointy-eared, buck-fanged, grey-skinned and bald vampire. And he materialized with a blue, ADIDAS tracksuit.

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