4.1 The Attack

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Not sure how strong the subject matter (assault, attacked physically, mugging) in Episode 4 will be portrayed for some, but fair warning if you feel that this may trigger something. Not sure if there are triggers for alcoholism out there but fair warning for that.

I returned home one night after a feed. It wasn't that great of a feed as the person I fed from willingly wanted me to drink from them. It takes away that thrill of the hunt, but what can I say? Blood is blood. Anyway, it was also one of those strange nights when I was peppy and Carmen was the opposite. The lights to the apartment were off, save for the glow from her laptop, and bottles and cans scattered all over the living room. I initially thought Red Bulls and Cokes, but after picking one up I was perplexed to see they were wine and vodka coolers. While most of these were weak in alcoholic content, five percent with some at six and a half, I hoped she had a strong liver.

She was lying on the couch closest to her room when I entered. On the coffee table sat her laptop open to a news article. The article reported on an attack on a Dr. Contessa Black. A quick skim and I remembered Dr. Black's her thesis supervisor. Carmen a few days earlier nearly punched a hole in the wall and mumbled something about having too much work. She stayed in her room that same weekend and hardly left, not even to party at the club. I'd expect her to be concerned and worried but I guessed these types of feelings were better off drinking away. I picked up her phone and the moment I did Pitbull started singing.

"Hello, Carmen?" a female voice asked after answering the call.

"She's sleeping."

"Who is this?"

"Her roommate." I figured telling her my name wasn't important. The less I said the quicker the conversation would end.

"Okay then. When she wakes up tell her to call me back."

"Will do."

After I hung up, Carmen stirred a bit. I turned on the flashlight and pointed it at her. Just like me on a bad day she tried to shield herself from it. "Remind me who the vampire is again."

"Why don't you go stay in your room and do your own thing like you normally do," she mumbled as she rolled away.

"Because I'm concerned and can't have you dead yet. I could survive by hypnotising everyone that comes to the door, but too much hypnosis damages the brain. Seriously, is there something I should know?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

I sat on the edge of the couch next to her head. Reluctant to offer a comforting hug, I grabbed the throw blanket and put it over her instead. As I stood up, I heard her turn over from the squeak of the leather.

"It's my fault."

I turned around and saw her facing me. Her cheeks and eyes reddened from either crying or flushed from the alcohol. A good chance it was both.

"I had a fight with my supervisor over something trivial. It set me off, and I wished that something bad would happen to her. Who knows who overheard what I said or read my thoughts, but a couple hours after our row I get a call from her wife, Dr. French."

A quick glance through her call log and that name appeared next to a number.

"She told me she was the victim of an attack. Dr. Black and I are working on a project, an experimental diet pill. I, I just feel bad about what has happened and that I'm the cause of it."

Before I made a move I asked, "Need a hug?"

"Thanks, but no thanks. I could use you pulling the blanket over my feet."

I stood up and did what she requested. "It's not your fault for wishing that. Coincidence happened, and the result is what's causing your guilt."

She shuffled her feet making sure the blanket stayed put. "What do you do to alleviate yourself when you fuck up? Kill the next person you see without knowing if they deserved it or not?"

Actually, that was something I would do. And I've done it before. It does relieve the stress and all but I'll stop before this story gets any darker. I turned the flashlight off and handed the phone to her. "Dr. French called while you were passed out."

Carmen took it from my hand and fooled around with it. She pretty much swiped the screen on and off.

"If you need anything, I'm here for you." Without hugs or comforting pats on the shoulder, I headed to my room. Any bottle in my path I kicked away. I considered cleaning the place, but I had important things to do like studying for course finals. Okay, it was more listening to metal and playing MMORPG's. These were first year level lit courses I took because of the books. As an employee of the university I paid for my studies at a discounted rate. It's a sweet deal I'd say! What am I saying? Do I really need to dump all this info so this part of the story seems longer and drawn out?

Just before I entered, she announced, "We're visiting the hospital at the crack of visiting hours."

I smiled. Not sure why I would smile but I guess it had to do with Carmen not getting all too depressed. "Sure thing."

When I entered my room, my toe kicked inside a much larger bottle than what I found surrounding the couches. Picking it up after opening the lights, I recognized it as my special home brew. After giving the bottle a swirl and a swig, only a few drops trickled out. I didn't have to guess who finished it, but I learned that not even writing ne me dokosvay kept her from this. The brew, in my opinion, was as potent as Talia's house special, except it made those who drank it forget how potent. Immediately after putting down the bottle on my bookshelf, I fell face forward.


A bit of a sombre start, but I assure you the laughs are later (even if they're not much in this episode). Anyway, you know the drill.

edit 19/04/2018:

Ne me dokosvay (не ме докосвай) translates to "Don't Touch Me". Any Bulgarian reading this: feel free to verify it.

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