6.5 We Can Go Home Now

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Tiny content warning regarding to some nudity. Nothing sexual though.

After hours searching, we found answers. And as if it were a plot convenience to induce tension, we met at the Rec Centre minutes before the scheduled death match. It was Sunday, and it wasn't even morning when this fight took place. If the church crowd wasn't holding up traffic, what else would cause delays?

"Sorry I'm late," Max panted as he caught his breath. "There were road closures from an accident. The detour went through a one-way, one-lane side street."

"I guess it's not the only me with that excuse," Carmen said while waving a manila folder.

"Same here." James waved a large poster tube. "Are we all ready?"

"I'm ready."

"Yeah," Carmen replied.

"You betcha!" Max winked and gave a thumbs up.

"Ramsay is waiting for us inside."

We followed James into the building. Like he said, his familiar was inside and led us to the basketball court with the fight already started. Hiding under the bleachers for the vampire party was Zenia who looked very worried—anxious to be exact.

"Thank God you guys made it," she greeted us frantically. "I convinced Harant to step into the ring so I wouldn't have to sit next to him. He initially found someone strong enough to take on the shifters."

"Judging by that move he's a coward afraid of losing. By convincing him he should fight, he can't show followers he's one." Bullies, am I right?

"That was my plan, but I should've seen it coming. He's a cheat! The fight was supposed to start on the hour but he started attacking just as the first began transforming."

"Eejits!" James stomped the floor. "Transforming takes at least a full minute to complete. Bloody cowards."

"Have you done it before?" Max asked. "Transform into something?"

"Only twice, and I broke a puckle, I mean a few bones while doing it." He placed the poster tube down. "Transferring my consciousness, however, is much easier provided no one attacks while I'm out of my body."

I turned my attention to the fight, and the wolves were showing signs of fatigue. They had the muscle but lacked the speed. Because of that, the vampires hit them repeatedly and fast enough before they could heal. Had the vampires not launch their cowardly strike, you'd have a fair fight between the two teams instead of the wolves dancing around like those inflatable streamer things.

Oh yeah, as for what these werewolves looked like, they were the half man/half wolf variant with a humanoid body and the head and tail of a wolf. And big balls too. Meleeza's boobs, or what I thought was Meleeza, weren't as big as I expected them to be. Why would any shapeshifter in animal form wear clothes? If you were expecting their animal forms to be Canis lupus beautiful like Social Justice Werewolf, then these aren't the wolves you're looking for. I mentioned the tattoos, right? They have patterns on their fur that match them.

"Lena, what's with all this?" Carmen rested an arm on my right shoulder. Her eyes squinted as she placed a finger just below her lower lip. "Am I watching a live action filming of Dragonball or something?"

"I'm not sure what you mean by 'dragon ball', but one thing that's picked up after turning is super speed." Even for me whenever I watch vampire fights all I see are blurs moving everywhere and stopping for a few seconds.

"Are you suggesting it's automatic?"

I laughed. How I wish it were. "Not really. It's one of the first skills acquired besides dodging quickly. Same goes for super strength. These must be controlled or else—OW! Motherfucker! Why did you slap me in the back so hard, Max?"

Let's Go For A Pint (Vampire/Humor)Where stories live. Discover now