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"That's fucking disgusting." Ethan laughs as JJ tells us about his latest rendezvous with some girl.

"Mate, you wouldn't say that if you were in my position." JJ chuckles.

"Nah, you're actually rank." Harry laughs with Ethan.

A sudden wave of mumbles and gasps grasp the room's noise level and I find Harry nudging me in the ribs, causing me to look up and see her.

Her raven-coloured hair is short, barely reaching her collarbone. It's a nice shade, highlighting her paleness but not making her look like a ghost. Her whisky-coloured eyes are bright and gleeful, something you rarely find around here these days. Her stature doesn't compare to any of ours, she probably stands  at around five three, five four. She pulls the sleeves of her jumper over her hands, yet she seems unusually confident and has a look of fierceness swimming in her eyes, as the teacher points to a spare desk at our side of the room. All eyes are on her as she makes her way to the seat, pulling the chair out and gently sitting down. 

"Gotta love a new girl." JJ lowly chuckles.

"Nah, I think she looks, secretly, frigid as fuck." Ethan shakes his head, disagreeing.

"Go find out Simon." JJ grins at me.

"Nah man, leave her." I shake my head.

"Come on man." Harry laughs.

I let a smile etch its way onto my face and the boys laugh. I stand up and walk towards her desk, carefully taking the seat next to her out from under the desk and sitting in it, I can hear the boys stifle their laughter as I do so.

"Hey, I'm Simon." I greet her, my voice cool and collected.

"And?" She replies, her eyes never leaving her notepad.

I am slightly taken aback by the sharp reply.

"You are?" I retain my composure, keeping my confident persona.

"None of your business." I watch as a smirk grows on her face.

"How about we try again? I'm Simon-now, this is where you introduce yourself." I talk to her slowly, making sure she hears my words and the boys start laughing behind us.

She looks up to me, her eyes taking me by surprise at the burst of green hiding in them, "I'm very happy you know your own name and are able to repeat it to me twice, but, really, there's no need."

I turn back to see Ethan's face has turned cherry-red and JJ is barely containing his laughs, I frown; annoyed that she is getting the better of me at my own game.

I try a different approach, "look, you're a pretty girl, a pretty girl has to have a pretty name."

She chuckles, "you really think that's gonna work on me?"

"What's your problem? I'm only trying to be nice or whatever." I grit my teeth, but she doesn't even flinch. 

The smirk doesn't leave her face as she replies, "you're my problem and if your idea of being nice is attempting to humiliate me or whatever in front of your laughing friends then I really think we both have different ideas of what nice is."

"Mate, she is absolutely ripping you apart." JJ laughs, his eyes showing tears.

"You should watch how you fucking talk to people." I angrily mutter to her, getting up and slamming the chair under the table.

"And maybe you should work on your greeting skills, they're not very welcoming." She sarcastically replies.

"What a bitch." I mumble, sitting down.

"Nah Simon, I don't care what you say, she is feisty and feisty girls are hot as fuck." Ethan slows down his laughter.

"Whatever." I mutter, staring at the back of her head.

The lesson ends and I watch as she leaves, her whole body oozing confidence as she walks down the corridor and jogs up the stairs. I follow her, interested yet repelled at the same time. She walks up another flight of stairs and I stand back slightly as I watch her enter the head's office. She leaves less than five minutes later and continues her walk. I eventually lose sight of her as she enters the dorms, annoyed at this, I return back to the group I call my friends. She interests me, which, in itself is fairly interesting, since I rarely remember girls. Yet, she is seemingly unforgettable. 

I like that.

A/N ayyy, new book:)

I've been wanting to publish this for-literally-ever, it's a bit of a different one for me and wanted to give it a go, hope you guys like it and you can check out my completed works on my profile (if you want heheheh)

p.s quick lil shoutout to nightskyminter because her chrismd book is literally life rn and she is so lovely, go follow her and read her book because wowwww

L x

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