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I scour the shelves for a book, any book, to keep my mind off of the boring half term. Everyone's went home for the week and I'm stuck here, wallowing in self-pity and Chinese food. I grab a random book and leave the library, making my way back to my dorm. I reach my corridor, only to be greeted with Dylan, who is standing outside my door.

"Uh, hey-Dylan, right?" I ask, despite already remembering his name.

He looks and smiles, "yeah, hey."

"Hi." I mumble, awkwardly.

His eyes widen and he chuckles, "oh-right, uh...this looks weird, but I'm actually here 'cause I thought you'd wanna come to this party at my mates house tonight-it's his eighteenth."

"I'm not really a party person." I shake my head, smiling.

"Oh, c'mon-you can't stay in your dorm all half term, come and have some fun, you only have to stay for an hour tops, then you can go-why be sad, when you can be drunk?" He grins.

I nervously look to my dorm door then back to him and consider my options.

"Let me get changed first."


"Harry." I shout over the music, as I push through the dancing bodies and in to his kitchen, where he and some of the boys stand.

"Simon-glad you could make it." His voice is slightly slurred and the half-empty cup in his hand indicates he's had more.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." I chuckle, as I accept a drink from Tobi.

"Looks like your friend arrived." JJ smirks, nodding to someone behind me.

I turn to see her.

But it's not her-at least, it doesn't look like her.

Her hair is wavy and half is pushed back in to a ponytail which is situated on the crown of her head. A pair of skinny, black jeans hug her legs and accentuate every curve. A ruby red camisole hangs off of her torso and a pair of black heels sit on her feet, adding to her height. She looks around nervously, her eyes never meeting mine as the boy next to her grabs her hand and pulls her further in to the house and further away from me.

"Did you invite her?" I ask Harry.

He shakes his head, "she's not exactly my best mate either."

"Who did she come with?" Tobi asks.

"I didn't se-" I begin but JJ cuts me off.

"Dylan, I think-looked like him."

I sigh, turning back in a desperate attempt to catch a glance of her. But it's to no avail.


I'm handed a drink by Dylan, who grins as he throws his drink back and swallows it without a second's thought. I do the same, alcohol not an unusual taste but one I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing in awhile. The liquid burns my throat for a few seconds but I am quickly left with the aftertaste of a sour drink, much to my happiness. Dylan hands me them left, right and centre until the room feels like it is spinning at a million times a minute. He grabs my waist and pulls me up, dancing with me.

His hands roam my body like a map and I don't mind. Nothing bothers me anymore. I am invincible. I sling my arms around his neck and lean in, our lips colliding in a concoction of alcohol and carelessness. His hands fall further down my body until they are gripping the bottom of my back. He could go further. I don't think it matters at this point. I'm already too far gone to care.

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