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I observe silently from our lunch table as she manoeuvres around the younger kids and towards the lunch line. She looks pretty today. Well, she looks pretty every day but it seems to intensify with every passing twenty four hours. Her hair is loose and has a slight wave to it. Her attire is just a simple pair of jeans and a t-shirt, a pair of trainers on her feet. She pays for a bottle of water before walking back the way she came, instead this time I watch as she slows and looks around the lunch hall. Her eyes reach mine and for a second she has an unfamiliar look on her face and I quickly realise what it is: relief. I smile at her but she doesn't reciprocate it, making me sigh in annoyance as she continues to walk out. 

I go to get up but Harry stops me, "where you going?"

"Uh-I need the toilet." I lie, as he nods and I rush out of the hall and after her.

I look both left and right in search of her and catch a quick glimpse of her hair as she turns the corner. I run after her and find her walking down an empty corridor.

"Addie." I breathe out.

She stops, but doesn't turn to look at me.

"You-you can't keep avoiding me like nothing happened." I sigh.

"Nothing did happen." She mutters in response, going to walk again.

I run in front of her, placing my hands on either side of her shoulders, keeping her in place. She avoids eye contact and instead looks down to her feet.

"Really? Fine, don't look at me-don't acknowledge me, but don't pretend that you didn't come to find me and you didn't cry in my arms and you didn't kiss me because it all happened Addie." I groan in frustration at her ignorance.

"I need to go." She whispers, trying to shake me off but my grip just gets tighter.

"No-you don't get to do that, you don't get to make me want you and then fucking decide it's not what you want, you can't do that to people Addie-you can't make people care and then watch as they crash and fucking burn, just let me want you-what is so wrong with that?" I angrily reply.

Her eyes sadden, "you think I don't want you?"

"Well, what am I supposed to think when this is all you give me to go off." I sigh.

She goes to reply but a shout cuts her off, I look up to see Harry walking towards us, confused.

"Simon?" He repeats.

"Yeah-hey." I say, as Addie successfully shakes me off and walks past me, her hand skimming mine.

Harry gives her a weird look, "what was that about?"

"Nothing." I shake my head.

"You su-" He begins but I stop him.

"Just leave it, Harry."


I sit cross-legged on my bed, as some generic pop song plays from my Spotify playlist and my maths book sits in front of me.

"Who the fuck made maths?" I groan to myself, pushing my hair back.

My concentration (or lack of it) is shaken by a knock at my door, I get up and walk to it.

"Simon, I-" I begin, but open the door to find Harry standing there instead.

"Yeah, I'm not Simon." He chuckles.

"I can see that." I mumble in response.

"We need to talk." He says.

"About?" I ask.

"Simon-Simon and you." He replies.

"Uh-not to be rude, but I mean, that's nothing to do with you." I shake my head.

"Yeah, but he's my best friend and he doesn't deserve to be played, if you like him then just like him, don't fuck around with him-you don't know half of what he's been through." He sighs.

"Is that it?" I question, my thoughts already concerned with something else. 

"Just-don't treat him like how you treat everyone else; like they don't matter." 

My eyes sadden at his words. That's what people think of me. That's what I've made people think. It's my fault. 


I text Harry back as I walk down my street, towards my house. As I come to my drive, I slide my phone in to my back pocket and find my feet failing as I find Addie sitting on my doorstep in a pair of joggers and a hoodie. She looks up when she realises I'm here.

"Ad-" I begin but she stops me.

"I'm not very good at this stuff and if you didn't know by now, I'm really messed up and I'm really good at being alone and I'm mean and rude and get angry a lot and I like to cut people off and ignore people 'cause that's what I do best and I'm not really in to all the romantic kind of stuff and when I kissed you, I meant it-I really, really meant it and if I could kiss you again I would and I really like going to the beach or that little pizza place in town but I hate dates and flowers and I can't promise I won't try to cut you off but if you want this, you have to accept I'm not gonna change for you-I would never ask you to change for me." She rambles.

I look at her, a bewildered expression most likely plastered across my face. 

"Simon, say something." She urges me, anxiety sweeping over her body.

"I would never ask you to change, either." I finally speak up.

"You don't have to want me-it's okay to not." She sadly says, as I step forward.

"I want you-if that's okay?" I smile.

She nods.

And she steps forward.

Our lips locking once again in an eruption of euphoria. 

And I have never been so infatuated with someone as I am with her.

She is magical.

I lie next to a sleeping Addie, her hair covering her face slightly and her body close to mine as my arm is draped over her waist. She is seemingly perfect. I smile as her small breaths hitch every so often and sometimes her breath is strong enough to make her hairs fly for less than a second before falling back to her face. I don't even notice when she wakes up slightly, I'm too engrossed in her.

"Stop staring at me." She mutters, pulling her head closer in to my chest, making me smile.

"Sorry." I laugh, kissing her forehead.

"Did you think this would ever be your Friday night?" She asks, her voice still quite tired.

"Well, my Fridays usually consisted of going to parties of people who I didn't know, I'd get so drunk that my parents would have to come pick me up and then I'd pass out in my bathroom, so-this is quite the drastic improvement." I chuckle, making her laugh too.

"A good improvement?" She whispers.

"The best." 

A/N short lil chapter

don't you love angry Simon aw

anyone like how they ended up? Or did you expect them to get together differently? I tried to make it realistic I guess but idk

L x

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