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"Why are you looking at me like that?" I giggle, as he looks admiringly at me.

"Because you're beautiful." He says, as if it's obvious.

"Stop." I laugh, pressing my hand to his chest.

"I just can't help myself." He laughs with me, taking my hand and entwining it with his.

"Shouldn't you be playing football or something?" I ask, smiling, as I attempt to continue my history coursework.

He throatily laughs, "is that all you think I spend my time doing?"

"Well, you don't live that much of a thrilling life." I grin.

"Wow-thanks, even my own girlfriend doubts I live an exciting life, thanks." He sarcastically retorts.

"Mhmm, no problem." I send him a smile, earning one back in the process.

"I'm bored." He childishly whines, laying his head on my lap and looking up at me.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair, making him smile.

"Entertain me." He smirks.

"That sounds so dirty oh my God." I throw my head back, laughing, he joins in with me.

"I didn't mean it like that you weirdo, unless-" I cut him off.

"Nope-I have coursework to do and you need to go spend time with your friends and less time with me."

He frowns, "but I like spending time with you and wow, you cut me off real fast, am I that bad?"

I smile, "no-you're great, but I'm a busy woman and you're bored, so go out with Harry or something whilst I finish this and then I'll meet you tonight."

"Oh-you'll meet me tonight." He winks, making me laugh.

"Stop making everything dirty." I grin, reaching down and planting a kiss on to his slightly cold lips.

"I could get used to this." He mumbles against my lips.

"Mhmm?" I mumble back, kissing him again.

"Now you're just teasing me for tonight." He groans, still laughing.

"Well, you're not objecting to it." I retort.

"How could I object to you?" He replies, smiling.

"Nice-now, go, I have stuff to do, I'll see you later." I push him up and he swings his legs off of my bed before walking around and grabbing his shoes.

"I'll see you later, babe." He leans forward and kisses my cheek.

"Babe? Pet names now?" I cheekily smile.

"Honestly, you're so difficult to please." He shakes his head, laughing, as he walks to the door.

"Bye." I smile, as he sends me a final grin before closing the door.


I walk home, the slight breeze causing goosebumps to erupt on my pale skin as I turn on to my road. I fish my keys out of my jeans pocket and look up to find my front step being occupied.

By her.


Her hair is still the same golden brown, light strands of hair breaking through the brown and creating a halo-like effect across the crown of her scalp. Her piercing green eyes meet mine and her ruby-red lips turn in to a smile as she stands. Her torso still stands quite tall, at five foot six and her legs are on show, the glow of her skin radiant against the British springtime. Her short, flower-covered dress is girly and suits her perfectly, the small pinks and purples speckled across the material. Her hand brushes back her hair and she walks towards me.

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