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I wake up with a slightly sore neck and the remnants of dried-drool on my chin. I sigh, wiping it away and turning over to see my bed empty and made-up. I sigh, collapsing back to my previous sleeping position and consider going to see her. I decide against it. I don't know how to feel with her. She's great. Well, no-better than great, she's everything anyone could ever want but I don't think she wants to be wanted...despite my best efforts.


I pull at the sleeves of my thin jumper, as I turn the corner of the fairly-empty corridor, only to see two typically-pretty girls standing directly in front of my locker, blocking the pathway to it. I sigh, walking towards them. 

"Excu-" I begin but the girl cuts me off.

"What?" She folds her arms, in a dominant manner.

"I said, excuse me." I mumble, annoyed but not willing to let my anger go.

"Cat got your fucking tongue or something? Jesus..." She trails off, her and her friend laughing.

"Just move." I angrily reply.

"Wait-you're that girl who was seen leaving Harry's party with Simon Minter, aren't you?" She questions.

"Wh-what does that have to do with anything?" I confusedly reply.

"Well, you're not exactly Simon's type, are you?" She looks me up and down disrespectfully and I feel my blood boil.

"Yeah, well neither are you, seemingly." I sarcastically reply.

"What did you fucking say?" She steps forward defensively.

"I mean, unless you're hard of hearing, I think you know what I said, or were my words a little too impressive for your vocabulary?" I retort, her fists clenched at her sides. 

The girl lunges forward but I feel my body be pulled back. My feet leave the ground for a second and I am spun around. I feel arms on my waist and look down to see a gold ring on one of them, instantly noticing it's Simon's. 

"Let go of me." I struggle in his grip.

"Just calm down." He mumbles, his arms still on my waist.

"Did you fucking hear her? How she spoke to me?" The other girl screams and I wonder who she's talking to.

"Do you wanna go outside? Cool off?" Simon quietly asks and I sigh, agreeing.

He lets go but his hand stays on the small of my back as he leads me away, never allowing me to turn behind. I remain calm until I hear her scream again.

"Yeah, run off with your fucking boyfriend, can't defend yourself?" 

I turn around, ready to lunge for her again but Simon grabs my hand before I can and turns me back around, his other hand on my hip bone. 

"Don't let her get you angry." He whispers, as we continue walking.

I breathe out, letting the anger go.

"You get angry a lot." He observes, as we sit on the stairs of the school.

"A lot of stuff makes me angry." I shrug in response.

"Why?" He asks.

"You sound like my mum." I smile, making him smile too.

"You don't have to be angry, y'know-I used to get angry a lot, always." He sighs.

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