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I sit up in bed, my small bedside lamp being on and my laptop in front of me, I check the time to see it's half two in the morning. I sigh, shoving my laptop away and staring in to space for a few seconds. I sigh, getting up and grabbing a pair of black jeans, switching them for my leggings. I pull on my Nike's before shoving my arms through the fur-coated sleeves of my hoodie. I leave his football t-shirt on, the fabric having warmed against my skin. I grab my phone and leave my room, trying to be as quiet as possible. 


I walk in to first period, expecting to see Addie sitting at the table in front but find it empty. I confusedly sit in my usual seat, wondering where she could be.

"Anyone seen Adalynn?" The teacher asks, with a monotonous tone in his voice.

Everyone shakes their heads and he shrugs, going back to filling out the register. I go back to writing my essay, my mind still wondering where she could be.

I sit with Tobi, as our history teacher moans on about World War two, I only begin to listen when she mentions Adalynn's name.

"Is Adalynn not here? Oh-well, I have this homework for her an-" She begins but I cut her off before I can even realise what I'm doing.

"I can take it to her, I have a free period next." I blurt out, Tobi even showing a slightly shocked look.

"Thank you Simon, I appreciate it." She smiles, before handing me the homework, stapled to a piece of coursework which has been marked.

I look at the mark she got and smile lightly, noticing her forty eight out of fifty marks. She clearly is clever, just not at maths. 

"How come you volunteered to give her the work, thought you two hated each other?" Tobi asks, as we begin to pack up.

"Nothing wrong with a little bit of kindness, now is there Tobi?" I chuckle in response, making him laugh.


I continue to cry in to my pillow, the sounds being muffled by the comfy fabric. It hurts. Everything hurts. Nothing is for my own pleasure anymore; everything is another grain of salt in the ever-growing wound. I hear a gentle knock on my door and sniffle, pushing back my duvet and walking towards the door, not really thinking about how I look until I open it. 


She stands in front of me, appearing weak and broken. Her eyes are rubbed-red and her cheeks are stained with the remains of her tears. A loose t-shirt hangs on her body, I can see it's a football top by the stripes and make of it, it's a dark blue and contrasts with her skin nicely. Her eyes widen and she panics, slamming the door and shocking me. I cough nervously and knock again.

"Uh, Addie?" I shout through the wooden door, not sure what to do.

"Go away." She shouts back.

"A-are you okay? Do you need someone?" I ask, worried.

"Oh-don't pretend like you care." She screams, her voice sounding strained and painful.

"I'm not pretending-let me help you." I sigh, leaning my head against the door.

"I don't want your help, just-please, go." She seems calmer, her voice quieter.

"I can't leave without knowing you're okay, I can't just leave you here crying." I reply, her work becoming slightly crumpled in my grip.

"Simon," She breathes out and I notice it's the first time she's said my name in a way that doesn't make me think that she's about to kill me, "please, go."

"I-I came to give you your history stuff, I'll just leave it here." I mumble, leaving it outside of the door.

I go to walk away but her voice stops me:



I wait a few minutes to make sure he's gone before opening the door and collecting my work, bringing it inside and making sure to lock the door as I do so. I throw it to the side and go back to my position of lying in bed, I stare at the ceiling and think about Simon. He doesn't remind me of Jake, not even a bit. Jake had chestnut-coloured hair and his eyes were a gorgeous green colour and his skin was sun-kissed and he just always was smiling. Simon's hair is cute and messy, his eyes are dark yet the colour is invigorating, but he never seems happy. Well, that's a lie, he does...but not for the right reasons. He seems to want to try, though. That's new: someone trying for me, for once.

I change in to a plain, grey t-shirt and a black and white plaid flannel. I wiggle in to a pair of black, skinny jeans and pull my Vans on. I straighten my hair and leave it down, before leaving my dorm and making my way to school. I enter the canteen and notice Simon and Harry sitting at a small table, his eyes meet mine in an instant and they seem to soften. He looks like he cares. I walk past them and towards the food, I grab a slice of toast and a bottle of water, before finding a table. I grab my maths book out of my bag and begin to revise as I wait for first lesson to begin. I sit staring at the maths problem in front of me, the numbers seeming to merge together as I try to work out what the hell I have to do.

"You just need to multiply out the brackets then work out what both answers are, they should equal the answer." A voice instructs me, I turn slightly to see Simon standing there sheepishly.

"Oh-right, I knew th-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"It's okay, I used to not get it too, I mean-some stuff is harder for others than other stuff." He mumbles.

"What happened to my thirty four out of one hundred?" I ask, smirking.

"It realised how rude it was?" He asks, smiling.

"Nice one." I chuckle, as the bell goes.

"Bye, Addie." He says, beginning to walk away.

"Bye." I reply, his head turning back and a smile forming on his face.

I shake my head, grabbing my books and making my way towards the exit. 

A/N this hasn't been proofread, whoops

L x

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