twenty one

343 8 2

I stare at her. 

Her body lies there.

Like a corpse.

Her hair is dishevelled and glued to her pillow. The veins on her eyes pulsate and the deep-purple colour of them haunt me. Her lips are dry and so pale that they almost blend in with the rest of her face. Her whole skin colour has lightened. She is so pale she could be mistaken for snow. Her chest rises and falls so slowly that I sometimes have to hold my own breath just to make sure she's still breathing. 

"Hey, how is she?" A voice asks, I turn to see Harry and Josh standing at the door.

"No change." I sigh, turning back to look at her.

"Si, maybe you should go home and get changed, or-" Harry begins but I cut him off.

"I can't leave her again." I shake my head.

"Simon, it's not your fault." Josh says, his voice slightly condescending, almost like he is talking to a child. 

"Don't." I mumble.

I hear them sigh and walk back to the waiting room, where the other boys are situated. Her heart monitor continues to provide me comfort and a break of the haunting silence. It's rhythmical. It's almost too much to believe that her heart is still beating, despite it having to of broke for her to do this. 

Two days earlier:

"Hey-I was just getting my results and Addie hasn't been to pick hers up yet?" Josh greets me, as I enter the hall of teenagers collecting their A-Levels. 

"So?" I harshly reply.

"Well-I mean, I dunno, just thought she would've been here straight away to find out what she got for her maths resit, she was banging on about it for months." He shrugs.

I know he's right and sigh. He walks back to Freya and before collecting my own results, I exit the hall and find myself taking a familiar route to her dorm building. Most of the kids who inhabit the halls have boxes outside of their rooms, ready to leave and start the next chapter of their lives. I reach Addie's dorm to find no sign of life. I knock on the door quietly, in the hopes that she is just asleep or isn't in or Josh got it wrong and she has been to collect her results. I groan when there is no response.

I place my palm on to the handle of her door and push down, finding it unlocked. I edge the door open to find the room eerily how it has always been. Her bed is made, the curtains are closed however and all of the lights are off. A haunting darkness and silence consumes the room and I search for her. I turn to the bathroom and see a sliver of light escaping under the door. I cautiously walk towards it and find the door slightly open. I nervously push it open and the first thing I see are her feet. The dark-red nail polish has chipped and her skin is an ivory-white. The door opens further and I find her.

She lays slumped against her bath, her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open. Her head has drooped to the side and her neck appears to be in a painful position as my eyes work their way down her body and notice a bottle of prescription pills laying beside her. I stare at her for a few seconds, attempting to comprehend how I feel. I don't know how to feel. I slide my phone out of my pocket, pressing Josh's number.

"Simon, what's u-" I stop him.

"Addie-she, I, what do I do-I don't know what to do?" I ask, biting my lip as tears erupt from my eyes.

"What are you talking about?" He questions.

"She isn't waking up Josh, help me." I scream, dropping to the ground.

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