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"That new girl's in my history class." Tobi announces, as he tears in to his lunch.

"Yeah? She scares me, kinda." Josh laughs.

"She's cool, she talked to me and stuff-name's Addie." He shrugs.

"Addie." I mutter to myself, interesting name for an interesting girl.

"There she is, now." Ethan says, winking in a joking manner as I turn to see her walking towards the lunch line.

Her hair is brought back in to a ponytail which resides on the crown of her scalp, some strands have escaped the capture of her black-coloured bobble and frame her face nicely. A pair of black jeans hug her curves generously, they're rolled up at the bottom and somehow make her legs look longer. Her torso is covered by a light grey t-shirt and a blue and black plaid flannel. A pair of grey Converse sit on her feet and she looks uninterested in her surroundings as one earphone is nestled in to her ear and the other hangs, the wire connecting to the phone which I can now see the outline of in her back pocket. She orders and I see she's getting a bottle of water and a sandwich, she pays and begins to walk away before her attention is taken by a group of boys at another table. One wolf-whistles, causing her face to drop-but not in the way you'd expect, she looks unimpressed and a little amused by the lack of appreciation. We all turn to her at this point, interested by the situation but also anticipating her response.

"Did you just whistle at me?" She asks, her voice straight and blunt and the boys seem taken aback by her.

The boys seem to not want to own up to whoever whistled and she smirks.

"That's what I thought," She leans forward and rests her hands on the table, "I am not a fucking dog, nor am I someone which any of you horny fifteen year old's could ever get with for the simple fact that most of you still have Justin Bieber haircuts and superhero lunch boxes."

She picks her stuff back up off of the table and walks away, a slight sway in her step. All of us stare at her, our jaws dropped in shock. She turns and smirks, winking at me.

"Oh my fucking God, I think I am in love." Ethan mutters, his eyes still on her.

"That was hot." Harry laughs.

"Bet she's a freak in bed." JJ hysterically laughs, nudging me, to which I offer a smile.

I can't help but think about her.

A lot.

I enter English to see the class already full, my body taking me to my assigned seat, there being a spare one next to me as it's a pretty small class of around fourteen kids. I focus on writing the date and title before something catches my attention: the door opening.

"You must be the new girl-Arie is it?" My teacher asks, causing her to smile politely.

"Addie." She corrects him.

"Addie-sorry, yes, there's a table just in front of Simon, you can take that." He says and she nods, walking towards the table in front of me.

I sigh at my teacher-there is a seat right next to me, why didn't you put her in that one? Idiot. I watch as she leans back slightly, and criss-crosses her feet as she listens to the teacher drone on about Macbeth.

"Miss. Myers, did you study Macbeth at your old school?" He diverts his question towards her, as she is the only one not writing something down.

"We did." She replies, with a straight face.

"So, do you think you could give me a character analysis of...let's say, Lady Macbeth?" He smiles.

"She was a naive and delusional woman who craved power yet didn't crave the climb to the top and despite female roles at the time, she was incredibly power-driven and took over the responsibility of the murders and more, she was smart and cunning yet emotionally unstable and unable to live with what she had done." She confidently responds, shocking a lot of the class.

Her intelligence matches her confidence. I like it. As she goes to leave, she catches my eye and smiles.

"Watch where you're fucking going." I shout at a kid who nudges in to me, pushing him in to the wall lined with lockers.

"S-sorry." They stutter, making me laugh.

Until she appears-again. I swear, this girl is like a fucking magician.

She is leaning against her locker when the boy falls next to her, she instinctively grabs him before his shoulder hits the metal locker. He gives her a 'why in God's name would you do that?' look and she smiles softly at him, before giving me daggers.

"Have fun bullying little kids?" She asks, as the boy scampers off.

"He was in my way." I shrug, not willing to give her the satisfaction of making me squirm under her glare.

She steps forward, right in front of me, "well-now, I'm in your way, you gonna push me too?"

By this time, kids all around were staring at the spectacle of someone standing up to Simon Minter. To me. To be honest, if I were on the outside I'd be staring too, no-one stands up to me and if they do, it would be the last time. I can't touch her though. She knows I won't.

"What's your fucking problem?" I growl at her, as she folds her arms and adds to her defensive stance.

"You." She bluntly says.

"Just move." I angrily say, shoving her shoulder as I pass her.

She barely moves.

I turn to see her walking the other way, still confident despite the stares.

"Do you think I'm a shit person?" I ask Harry, as we sit outside school waiting for the others.

"No." He shrugs.

"Thanks for that vote of confidence, Harry." I joke.

"Well, why would you ask?" He questions.

"Just-I'm mean, aren't I?" I struggle with opening up to him.

"Well, everyone is mean, you're just defensive." He offers a different take on my problem.

"Ever since last year I-" I begin but the sound of the door opening stops me.

The boys flood out and I smile, noticing a few others leaving their detention but none taking my liking. A girl, her name's Crystal, winks at me. It takes me back to Addie doing the same thing hours earlier. There was something more flirtatious yet warning about Addie's. She meant it.

We walk back to the dorms and I accompany Josh and Harry to the girls' dorm, to go pick their girlfriends up for the party tonight. As we walk down the corridor, a door opens behind us. I, the only one paying attention as Josh and Harry chat over a new Xbox game, turn to see who it is. Her hair is now wet and pulled up in to a messy bun which drips slightly. A pair of grey joggers sit on her legs and a black vest covers her torso. She walks to the end of the hall and talks to a few kids before looking confused and nodding. She begins to walk back to her room but she looks at me, a scowl finding its way on to her perfect face. I sigh and walk towards her, noticing she went in to room 18. I knock on the door, she answers straight away.

"Surprised you didn't push your way in." She huffs, leaning against the door frame.

"Look-I'm sorry, I'm not that guy." I sigh.

"Yeah, and I'm not that girl and we've both been downcast by society and its rules and blah blah blah, I don't care who you are, you don't have to justify your actions to me." She responds, raising her eyebrow.

"A-are you serious? Who even are you?" I say, confused and shocked.

"Addie-but I'm sure introductions aren't needed, Simon." She smirks.

"Why did you come here?" I ask, without thinking.

"Why anywhere else?" She retorts.

"I-are you coming to the party tonight?" I question.

"Let me see: a cringey teenage party full of horny teenage boys and slutty teenage girls and endless amounts of red cups and dance tunes that would make even the hardest of hearing want to throw themselves out of a about no." She grins.

I have no response and she finds this a suitable time to close the door, but she says something before she does:

"Don't think I'm scared of you Simon, I see right through you."

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