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I wait patiently beside Addie's dorm door as she changes in the bathroom. Despite me seeing her body on many unfortunate (for her, not me) occasions, she refused to change in front of me. I tap my foot against her carpet impatiently as I check my phone to see the rest of the boys are already at the party.

"Addie, hur-" I say, but find my words become stuck in my throat as I look up to see her standing in the doorway of her bathroom.

She's dressed in a glittery, grey blouse which is tucked in to a high-waisted black skirt, which reaches just below her mid-thigh. A pair of black heels sit on her feet, the strap around the top of her ankle also glitter covered. Her hair is curly and half is pinned back in a some sort of braid which looks very fancy. She smiles nervously at me.

"You were saying?" She raises her eyebrow, her smile still there.

"You look-wow." I murmur, my eyes dancing around her body.

"Simon?" She chuckles.

"Mhm?" I mumble back.

"You're catching flies." She whispers, closing my jaw.

I blush as she laughs, it being melodic. I love it.

"So, who is this Zack?" She questions, as we walk up the street of the party, the music audible from where we are.

"He plays at my football academy, I barely know him." I shrug, our hands entwined together and swinging slightly between us.

We walk up the stairs and I open the door, to be met with dancing bodies and the strong smell of alcohol. I bring Addie in front of me and guide her forward, my hand on the bottom of her back possessively. I notice the boys congregating in the kitchen and move us towards them.

"Hey." I nod to them, all of them sending me a knowing glance as Addie awkwardly stands beside me.

Josh is the first to speak up, "want a drink, Addie?"

She smiles gratefully, "please."

Addie walks to Josh and they begin to talk, I exhale a sigh of relief, thankful that at least Josh is being polite. 

"So, you brought Miss. Angry?" Ethan asks, walking to me.

"Ethan-she's cool." I sigh.

"She your girlfriend?" He asks.

"Yeah-I guess she is." I nod, only just realising she is my girlfriend.

"Well, I'm happy for you man." He pats my back before walking to Josh and Addie and joining their conversation.

Harry walks to me, an unreadable look smeared across his face, "so you're really both going out?"

"Can't you just be nice? She isn't that bad once you get to know her, you're not even giving her a chance." I groan.

"I gave her a chance and she was a bi-" Harry begins but I cut him off.

"Don't you dare fucking say it Harry-just don't."

"Whatever, Simon." He shakes his head, walking away.

I turn to see Addie laughing at something Ethan said, her eyes lighting up. JJ joins them and I watch as him and Addie speak. It's nice to see them like each other. Not so nice for Harry to ruin it.

I walk to Addie and wrap my arms around her waist, her body tensing for a second but instantly melting in to my embrace.

"You okay?" She asks me, I nod and kiss her cheek, joining the conversation.

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