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I groan, stretching my limbs as my eyes adjust to the light. I sit up and lean against the wall, rubbing the sleep away from my tired eyes.

"Hey." A voice speaks and I look to see Addie standing in front of her mirror, tying her hair up in to a mid-ponytail.

"Morning." I mumble.

"I'm gonna go get something to eat, you want anything?" She asks, grabbing her phone.

"Just some tea or something would be cool." I reply, as she nods and quietly leaves.

I awkwardly glance around her room, feeling like an intruder. I slowly get up and walk to her desk, photos lining the wall above it. I look closer and find Addie doesn't even look like Addie anymore. Her hair was long, probably reaching her mid-stomach and was a light, chocolate colour. She smiled more. One picture catches my attention more than the others. She sits on a chair, her legs curled up and her eyes on the boy next to her. He smiles at her as she mirrors his grin and his hand is gently placed on her cheek. She looks utterly in love. 

I wonder what went wrong.

Addie enters her room again no less than ten minutes later and she passes me a cup of tea and I notice she has a glass of orange juice. 

"You sleep okay?" She asks, as she begins to make her bed.

"Yeah-no, thanks for letting me stay." I smile.

"It's cool, I don't mind." She smiles back as she opens her curtains.

A sudden thought hits my mind, "what time is it?"

"Nine thirty?" She replies, as more of a question.

"Fuck, I have to sign in for my exam, I-I really don't wanna go, uh-" She cuts me off.

"Go, I'll meet you after."

"You will?" I ask, bewildered.

"Just go, good luck." She chuckles, as I grab my coat and I linger at the door.

I look back to her and despite my shocking time management skills I spend a few more seconds looking at her.

"What? Go." She laughs.

"You look nice today." I smile.


I sit in the library, flicking through the pages of a maths textbook. 

"Addie?" A voice says and I look up to see Dylan standing in front of me.

"Dylan, hey." I smile and he nods to the seat opposite me.

"This seat taken?" He asks.

"No." I shake my head and he takes a seat.

"Seems you got a little lost at that party, eh?" He laughs.

I grimace, "oh God, I was so drunk, that's really embarrassing."

"No, it's cool, you were fun." He smiles.

"Yeah, I had fun." I agree.

"So-uh, I was wondering, if you weren't busy tonight maybe we could do something?" He asks, his eyes glowing in the sunlight.

"Oh, I mean-I dunno, I-" I fumble before he stops me.

"You don't have to, I just-you don't have a boyfriend, do you?" He questions.

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