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"Sir, I need the toilet." I throw my hand up, as he gives me a look of total disdain. 

"Then go, I'm not stopping you." He sighs.

I get up and walk out, trailing my trainers along the sleek, shiny flooring. I pass through the small corridor of counsellor offices and senior staff's offices. I walk past one room and happen to look in. I step back, doing a double-take. I see Addie sitting there, her arms crossed in a defensive style and her eyes on her shoes. I see Mrs. Adams, the grief counsellor talking to her.

"What ev-" I begin but I stop myself as I see Mrs. Adams go to get up and walk towards the door. 

I quickly turn the corner and hear as the door opens.

"...I know it's hard to deal with this kind of stuff, but talking helps." Mrs. Adams kindly says.

"Yeah." Addie politely replies.

"Come and see me if things start to get worse, my door's always open."

"Thank you, I'll do that."

I hear the door close again and Addie walks down the corridor in the other direction, I turn to see her at the double doors, walking through them and up the stairs to the next level of the school building. I can't help but wonder about her even more now. She is totally and utterly unreadable. 

And I like it.


I walk up the stairs of my dorm building, a bag of Chinese food in my hands and my keys in the other as I walk through the quiet corridors and in to my room. I close the door and set my food down, not wanting to eat in the communal dining room. I change in to a pair of joggers and a t-shirt, turning the TV on in the process. I sit on my bed, eating my food with no interruptions.

That's until a knock on my door forces me to pause my program and groan in annoyance.

I sigh, getting up and walking towards the door, opening it to reveal a boy I've never seen before.

"Can I help you?" I ask, confused.

He looks shocked as he replies, "no-I-I was looking for someone else's room, must have the wrong number."

"Oh, alright-" I'm cut off by him.

"This will sound super weird, but-are you called Adalynn?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow at him in confusion.

"How do you-" He cuts me off again and I feel my fists clench in annoyance.

"You were Jake's girlfriend, right?" He questions.

I feel my heart drop.


"You knew Jake?" I respond, my voice smaller than before, and with less attitude.

He nods, "he was on my football team, we'd spoken a few times, sad what happened to him."

"Yeah, it was." I agree.

"Well, uh-I'll let you get back to it, I'm Dylan by the way, in case he never mentioned me." He smiles.

"Good to meet you." I mumble back, smiling.

"Bye." He chuckles, walking further down the corridor.

I close the door and smile lightly to myself. Maybe this place isn't so bad.


I hold a pile of my old maths books in my hands, wanting to give them to Addie-for help, of course. Definitely not an excuse to see her. That would be uncool and very not me. I reach the end of her corridor but already see her door open and someone standing there, talking to her. However, she doesn't possess the usual scowl which she seems to have every time we talk, or seem to be defensive or cold to him. In fact, she's smiling. I watch as he walks away and she blushes slightly, closing the door. I feel weird. I am never the one who is hurt. Or the one who is chasing the other one. I want her.

I don't want her to want someone else.

I stumble through the dorm corridor, it's about half two in the morning and my vision is slightly blurry as my hand is clutching the side of a girl whose name begins with a 'C'...or is it a 'B'? She giggles and attempts to unlock her door, her hands shaking and every time she laughs, she seems to get louder. I chuckle and go to shush her, but someone gets there before me.

I turn to see Adalynn standing there, in a long t-shirt and nothing else. I will not lie: she looks un-fucking-believable. Her hair is messy and pushed back in to some sort of bun and her skin is illuminated under the harsh lighting of the corridor.

"Hey, maybe you could shu-" She begins, rubbing her eyes, but stops when she sees me.

She insecurely pulls her shirt down and crosses her legs, making me more infatuated by her cuteness. 

"Sorry," The girl beside me says, "moody bitch."

Adalynn raises her eyebrow and steps forward, "what was that?"

I step forward also, "it was nothing, let it go."

She looks to me, "I wasn't talking to you."

"You've got so much attitude for such an insecure, little girl." I laugh back.

"And you've got so much confidence for a boy who probably is a bit of a let down in bed, just to warn you lovely." She chuckles, motioning to the girl behind me who is leaning tiredly against her door.

I step even closer to her, "like you'd know what I'm like in bed."

She doesn't back down, "oh, I could take a wild guess and say you last about three seconds at the most?"

I throw my head back, laughing, "you think you're so fucking clever for a girl who has no friends and sits alone in her dorm crying."

Her face drops and I realise what I've done.

"Fuck you, Simon." She mutters, turning on her heel and walking back in to her room, her speed astonishing.

"C'mon, babe." The girl, whose name I can't remember for the life of me, tries to pull me in to her dorm.

"No-no, I can't." I shake my head as sobriety floods my system.

"Your loss." She shouts, entering her dorm and slamming the door.

I walk to Addie's door and gently knock on it.

"Addie, I'm sorry-I didn't mean what I said." I sigh.

"If you didn't mean it, you wouldn't have fucking said it." She replies, clearly indicating she is mirroring my position of being on the other side of her door.

"You just make me so mad and I don't know what to fucking do to make you like me." I groan in frustration.

"Why would you want someone who makes you so mad to like you?" She retorts.

I groan, not knowing how to reply.

"That's what I thought." She answers after ten seconds.

"Addie-" She interrupts.

"Just go-I'm fine."

I sigh, allowing my legs to carry me out of the dorms and on to the moonlit street. 

I already miss her.

How fucking pathetic. 


But yeah, I'm on my holidays right now, I have a week off from school so hopefully I'll write some more but I'm going prom shopping this week (God help me) and I have like 234583 pieces of coursework to complete, so bare with me guys

Infinite amounts of appreciation,

L x

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