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I stay in bed, watching from afar as I become engrossed in her morning routine. Her bed is comfier than mine and it feels more like home. She feels like home. She got up about ten minutes ago, waking me up in the process but I know she doesn't care as she rushes to get everything ready for her maths exam. She's been working for it-I know she has. Her hair is pulled back in to a sleek ponytail and her face is flustered as she rushes to find her phone.

"Simon, have you seen my-" She begins, but turns and notices it sitting in my hand.

"Looking for this?" I chuckle, as she smiles.

"Give it." She walks to me and I shake my head.

"C'mere first." I cheekily smile and she huffs.

She leans forward and pecks my lips, but I bring her back in for more. Her lips taste like the raspberry lip balm she just put on and they're smooth and silky. It's not like I haven't had plenty of kisses off plenty of girls. But when I kiss Addie I don't remember them. They don't exist. She is the first of everything...even though she's not. I like to think that your first kiss doesn't count until it's with the right person, until it's with that person that makes you feel like every kiss is the first. She makes life feel like the last twenty four hours is being rewound and starting again and again-I can never get enough of her. 

"Simon-I-have-to-go." She says, in-between kisses.

"Then go, I'm not stopping you." I mumble against her lips, the warmth radiating off them.

She grins, "why must you make it so difficult?"

"I can't help my smouldering good looks." I wink, making her laugh.

"Oh-there we go, I knew you'd blew it." She kisses my cheek before grabbing her phone out of my hand and slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"How rude." I laugh.

"Yeah-whatever Romeo, I'll see you after my exam, don't forget to lock the door either." She smiles, opening the door.

"Will do, Juliet." I smirk back.

"Moron." She mumbles, her smile still plastered on her perfect face.

"Simon! Hey-Si, hold on!" A voice shouts after me, I turn to see Ella rushing towards me.

"What do you want?" I huff, turning back around and continuing my walk through the corridors.

"To talk-or is that too much to ask of the high and mighty Simon Minter?" She sarcastically replies.

"You're kidding, right? Are you trying to piss me off even more?" I scoff.

"Just talk to me, let me talk to you." She sighs.

"I don't want to talk, I want to go meet my girlfriend from her exam." I put emphasis on the word girlfriend and I watch as the anger bubbles up inside of her.

"I know you still love me, so come find me when you're done fucking around with her." She shakes her head, tears spilling from her eyes as she rushes away.

"Fuck sake." I sigh, watching as she runs away.

"Do you get sad when you think about Jake?" I ask Addie, as she sits beside me on my bed.

"I sometimes get sad, sometimes I'm happy-most of the time I get angry." She shrugs, typing away on her laptop.

"I spoke to Ella today-kinda." I say out of the blue, causing Addie to look at me so fast I'm surprised she doesn't have whiplash.

"And?" She raises her eyebrow, wanting more.

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