twenty six

340 4 2

Four days later:

My phone's ringtone goes off and I groan, turning over and blindly searching for it. I finally find it and slide the 'answer' button along, neglecting to look at who it is that's calling me.

"Hello?" I say, my voice low.

"Simon-are you still in bed? Jesus-it's half six in the evening, get the fuck out of bed, we're going over to Nate's." Harry laughs, but I only begin to listen when he mentions Nate.

"Nate's-why?" I question.

"He invited us man and plus, that Maxine is gonna be there and I think I actually fucking like her, like did you notice..." Harry's voice trails off as I realise that he has no idea Addie is here.

Harry knocks on the door, giving me a weird look, "why do you look like you're gonna fucking collapse right here and now?"

"Wh-what, I'm fine." I shrug.

"Whatever." He shakes his head.

The door opens and there stands Nate, a few other boys from uni standing behind him in the kitchen.

"Alright boys." He greets us, opening the door further to let us in.

"Is Max here?" Harry, very eagerly, asks.

"Uh-my sister? No, she's out with her friend." He sends Harry a questioning look which tells me he has no idea of Harry and Max's escapade last weekend.

I let out a slight sigh of relief-I was scared to see her. Scared to meet her eyes again. Scared to talk to her. I don't know who she is anymore or who she has become or if she is any different to who she was two years ago.

She isn't my person anymore. 


"So-why did you wanna go out for food?" I ask Max, as she sits across from me.

She shrugs, "Nate was having his mates over and I didn't wanna be in his way and plus, we haven't had a chat in ages."

I laugh, "Max, we literally talk every day."

"True, but-the other night, when you left the never told me why." She declares, obviously expecting an answer from me.

"I-I just wasn't feeling the whole party thing." I mumble back, taking a sip of my drink.

"Well-let's order, I am actually starving." She changes the subject, much to my relief.

It's quarter to one by the time we get back to Nate's flat, since Max decided she wanted a few more drinks at the bar. She hangs on to my shoulder as I open the door, to find the living room and kitchen empty, but a few bottles of beer sit on the kitchen counter and the tv is on, but paused. I slowly help Max to her room, placing her in her bed before closing the door. I sigh, walking in to my room. I slide my coat off of my arms and pull my boots off of my feet. I change in to a pair of joggers and a t-shirt. I pull my hair back in to a ponytail before waking back out in to the living room. I turn the light on and just as I do, I find myself tripping over something. I hit the floor with a thud and groan.

"Fucking hell." I grumble in pain.

"You okay?" A voice asks, I turn to see Nate standing there.

I blush, "yeah, no-fine, just-checking the floor out."

He laughs and lays down beside me, "it is a pretty good looking floor."

I chuckle, "what're you doing up?"

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