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"Where were you last night?" Harry asks, as we walk up to the school gates.

"Wh-last-when?" I fumble with my answer and he notices.

He raises his eyebrow, "you were with Addie, weren't you?"

"Maybe." I shrug.

"So-she's it, huh?" He asks.

"What d'you mean?" I ask back, as we enter the school.

"Addie is like, the one-right? I mean, the way you talk about her and look at her, you never looked at you-know-who like that." He replies.

"I dunno, maybe-I've gotta go, see you at lunch, yeah?" I ask him, beginning to walk up the corridor.

"Yeah." He agrees walking towards the lunch hall.

I make my way through the crowds of pupils who congregate aimlessly in the corridor, attempting to find Addie. I weave in and out of the year sevens and disgruntled older girls who give me dirty looks for shoving them to the side in my venture. I eventually reach English, only to notice she isn't in her seat which is odd: since everyone else is here. I bite my lip in confusion and just as the bell goes, I notice her speed-walking through the crowd towards me. Her hair is in a low bun, a few strands sticking out and it looking, in general, messy. Her hand is wrapped in a clean bandage and she looks slightly flustered as our eyes meet. 

"He-" I begin but Mrs. Adams cuts me off, her high heels clacking against the polished floor.

"Addie, can I speak with you?" She politely interjects, her smile radiant yet professional.

Addie nervously nods, before sending me a calming smile and walking with Mrs. Adams to her office.

"Minter, class-now." My English teacher yells from inside, much to the amusement of my fellow classmates.

I sit outside of Mrs. Adams' office, tapping my foot anxiously against the floor as I wait for Addie. English finished ten minutes ago and despite this being my free lesson, I can't go anywhere without wondering about her. The door soon opens and Addie steps out, closing the wooden door behind her as she does so.

"Hey." I stand up and she jumps slightly.

"You gave me a heart attack." She exhales, holding her hand to her heart.

I laugh, "sorry-you alright?"

She nods, "yeah-I'm fine, you didn't have to wait."

She begins to walk and I continue beside her, "why wouldn't I?"

"I dunno, I just-you don't have to." She shrugs, smiling, our hands grazing past each other, her skin giving me goosebumps.

"I wanted to." I smile back, our hands finally clasping together.

She looks down to our swaying hands, her smile becoming more thoughtful. 

"How's your hand?" I ask, as we walk out of school and towards her dorm.

"Oh-yeah, no it's alright, bit sore but good." She nods.

We continue our walk in comfortable silence, reaching the corridor where her door room resides. However, someone is sitting outside of her door, awkwardly.

"Who's that?" I mumble, and she only just notices the body.

"Uh-I think it's Dylan." She mumbles back, just as confused as me.

"What the fuck does he want?" I ask rhetorically.

She stifles a laugh as we reach her door, Dylan scrambling to his feet.

"Hey-uh-I, just, you left this." He hands Addie her black purse, their hands brushing past each other.

"Oh, thanks." She politely replies.

"You can go now." I raise my eyebrow to him, as he stares at Addie in an admiring-sort-of-way.

"Simon." Addie hisses, despite a smile being etched on to her face.

"No-it's cool, oh-Zack told me to invite you both and the boys to his birthday party on Saturday." Dylan says to me, his hair slightly dishevelled and his whole look screaming that he woke up an hour ago.

"We'll be there." Addie answers for me, before Dylan nods and walks away.

I watch as he leaves, my eyes on him, making sure he doesn't look back at her. 

"Come on, grumpy." She laughs, opening her door and walking in.

"I am not grumpy, it's not my fault he's a dickhead." I shrug, sitting on her couch as she puts her purse on her desk.

"You only hate him because I've kissed him and-" She begins but I stop her.

"You kissed him?" I ask, bewildered.

"I was drunk, it didn't mean anything and believe me-it was nothing special." She chuckles.

"Well-I don't like him and I don't know about this party." I reply, as she sits next to me and I wrap my arm around her shoulders.

"It's just a party Si, it'll be fun, don't be so grumpy." She smiles.

"You better stop calling me that." I grin.

"Or what?" She grins back.

I throw my head back, laughing, "don't try me, Addie."

"Oh, I'm trying you Simon." She laughs back.

I go to grab her waist but she jumps out of my grip and runs to her bed, jumping on to it like a child, I sprint after her laughing. This time I grab her waist and pull her down with me as our bodies hit the soft mattress. She's positioned on top of me, her hands on either side of my head as her eyes gaze in to mine.

"I win." She smiles, kissing my lips playfully.

"See-I think you'll find I win." I grin, before flipping her over in one swift motion so I am hovering over her.

"That was so not fair." She whispers, smiling.

"All's fair in love and war." I laugh, kissing her nose, making her face scrunch up cutely.

I pull back and lovingly stare at her, my eyes roaming her face in a frazzled and desperate attempt to remember every small scar and faded freckle on her face. I don't want to ever forget her. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her eyes are speckled with a forest green and the whiskey brown creates a hazy, glazed over look. She has small dimples which make her look adorable when she laughs; like a child. There is nothing to not like. She is simply gorgeous. 

I love her. 

A/N short chapter, new one will be up very very very very soon


sorry I haven't updated in like 20 million years, I've had exams and coursework to do and I've just bought my prom dress and life is so stressful guys WHY WHY WHY

so yeah comment and tell me if this is really bad or cute or whatever because I can change stuff, so yeah-thank you for all your crazy support and stuff, you're all amazing yay

(not proofread, don't hate me pls)

L x

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